ROMS/TOMS Developers

Algorithms Update Web Log

arango - January 20, 2007 @ 18:31
Various Updates- Comments (0)

I introduced the following updates to the code:

  • Add new time-averaged quantities which are needed to compute eddy fluxes. For example, the tracer eddy flux is:

    <H u T / n> = <H u / n> <T> + <H’ u’ t’ / n>
    <H v T / m> = <H v / m> <T> + <H’ v’ t’ / m>

    we are interested in the last term which can be computed as:

    <H’ u’ t’ / n> = <H u / n> – <H u T / n> <T>
    <H’ v’ t’ / m> = <H v / m> – <H v T / m> <T>

    where the quantities inside <…> indicate time-averaged. In model variables, the tracer eddy flux is:

    <H’ u’ t’ / n> = <Huon*t> – <Huon> <t>
    <H’ v’ t’ / m> = <Hvom*t> – <Hvom> <t>

    all the three time-averaged quantities in the right-hand-size are now saved in the averages NetCDF file and can be activated with cpp option AVERAGES_QUADRATIC. Many thanks to John Wilkin for helping us to implement this option.

  • Modified cppdefs.h in such a way that each application has it own cpp definitions include file:
    **  Include the appropriate header file for IDEALIZED APPLICATION.
    #if defined A4DVAR_TOY
    # include "a4dvar_toy.h"
    #elif defined BASIN
    # include "basin.h"
    #elif defined BENCHMARK1 || defined BENCHMARK2 || defined BENCHMARK3
    # include "benchmark.h"
    #elif defined  BIO_TOY
    # include "bio_toy.h"
    #elif defined BL_TEST
    # include "bl_test.h"
    #elif defined CANYON_A || defined CANYON_B
    # include "canyon.h"
    #elif defined CHANNEL_NECK
    # include "channel_neck.h"
    #elif defined COUPLING_TEST
    # include "coupling_test.h"
    #elif defined DOUBLE_GYRE
    # include "double_gyre.h"
    #elif defined ESTUARY_TEST
    # include "estuary_test.h"
    #elif defined FLT_TEST
    # include "flt_test.h"
    #elif defined GRAV_ADJ
    # include "grav_adj.h"
    #elif defined INNER_PRODUCT
    # include "inner_product.h"
    #elif defined KELVIN
    # include "kelvin.h"
    #elif defined LAB_CANYON
    # include "lab_canyon.h"
    #elif defined LAKE_SIGNELL
    # include "lake_signell.h"
    #elif defined LMD_TEST
    # include "lmd_test.h"
    #elif defined OVERFLOW
    # include "overflow.h"
    #elif defined RIVERPLUME1 || defined RIVERPLUME2
    # include "riverplume.h"
    #elif defined SEAMOUNT
    # include "seamount.h"
    #elif defined SED_TEST1
    # include "sed_test.h"
    #elif defined SED_TOY
    # include "sed_toy.h"
    #elif defined SOLITON
    # include "soliton.h"
    #elif defined UPWELLING
    # include "upwelling.h"
    #elif defined WEDDELL
    # include "weddell.h"
    #elif defined WINDBASIN
    # include "windbasin.h"
    **  Include the appropriate header file for REALISTIC APPLICATION.
    #elif defined ADRIA02
    # include "adriatic.h"
    #elif defined CBLAST
    # include "cblast.h"
    #elif defined DAMEE_4
    # include "damee.h"
    #elif defined EAC_4 || defined EAC_8
    # include "eac.h"
    #elif defined IAS
    # include "ias.h"
    #elif defined NATL
    # include "natl.h"
    #elif defined NENA
    # include "nena.h"
    #elif defined NJ_BIGHT
    # include "nj_bight.h"
    #elif defined NPACIFIC
    # include "npacific.h"
    #elif defined SCB
    # include "scb.h"
    #elif defined SW06_COARSE || defined SW06_FINE
    # include "sw06.h"
    #elif defined USWEST
    # include "uswest.h"
      CPPDEFS - Choose an appropriate ROMS application.

    This new design is cleaner since cppdefs.h was getting very big. I have noticed that users like to put a lot of comments in their file to document their application. The user needs now to activate the appropriate application option in cppdefs.h (for example, #define UPWELLING) and make the appropriate changes to its respective definitions file (upwelling.h). All the include files are located in the Include sub-directory. The user needs to create an include file for each different application. I wanted to do this for very long time. The feedback that I got from several of you about this was very positive.

  • Several of you have been requesting for a perfect restart option in ROMS. I started coding this option. A perfect restart option is provided for the basic kernel. It can be activated with cpp option PERFECT_RESTART. This option is still under testing. I have tested this option with the upwelling example. It is run for 20 time-steps. The perfect restart fields are written at time-step 10. The RMS errors at time-step 20 between restarted and control run are:
                              RMS               RMS               RMS
       zeta              2.73101330e-06    2.73138360e-06    2.73142573e-06
       ubar              1.50954195e-06    1.50982080e-06    1.50982771e-06
       vbar              1.47805759e-07    1.47870988e-07    1.47942021e-07
       temp              1.12177271e-05    1.30822796e-05    1.40771552e-05
       salt              2.70888331e-05    2.90445209e-05    3.22833452e-05
       u                 1.50989621e-06    1.54476679e-06    1.54760557e-06
       v                 5.84640682e-07    1.13022193e-06    1.17730862e-06
                           ANA_VMIX          GLS_MIXING        MY25_MIXING

    However, if PERFECT_RESTART is not activated, we get:

                              RMS               RMS               RMS
       zeta              1.71578595e-09    5.68765614e-09    2.07986550e-09
       ubar              3.91111746e-09    4.38520664e-09    4.21003794e-09
       vbar              9.83973064e-11    2.34650383e-09    1.13328922e-10
       temp              4.01893636e-07    7.00800631e-05    5.55409335e-07
       salt              0.00000000E+00    0.00000000E+00    0.00000000E+00
       u                 9.59030197e-08    1.05812267e-06    2.71992162e-07
       v                 2.89748763e-07    7.39400620e-07    8.01745441e-07
                           ANA_VMIX          GLS_MIXING        MY25_MIXING

    Obviously, this option is not working yet. Two new routines were introduced to achieve the perfect restart in a generic way: nf_read4d.F and nf_write4d.F.

For the current updated file list .

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