ROMS/TOMS Developers

Algorithms Update Web Log

arango - November 30, 2006 @ 1:07
Verification Option and few bugs- Comments (2)

Added a VERIFICATION option that allows to compute nonlinear model solution at observation locations. This option is independent of any of the variational data assimilation options. However, it uses the same observation interface. Like in the 4DVAR drivers, the model solution at the observation locations and the model-observation statistics are written to MODname NetCDF file. Many thanks to Brian Powell for this suggestion.

I modified and updated several routines:

  • Modified nl_ocean.h to allow computing and saving of the nonlinear model solution at the observation spatial and temporal locations. Several routines associated with data assimilation were changed slightly to accomplish this: cppdefs.h, globaldefs.h, checkdefs.F, def_mod.F, extract_obs.F, initial.F, inp_par.F, mod_fourdvar.F, mod_ncparam.F, mod_scalars.F, obs_read.F, obs_write.F, and output.F. Mostly all the changes involve adding VERIFICATION to few CPP directives.
  • Corrected a couple of adjoint bugs in ad_set_vbc.F and ini_adjust.F. These bugs only affects 2D applications and 2D optimal perturbations. Many thanks to Andy Moore for finding and correctiong these bugs.
  • Renamed routine stats_4dvar.F to a more appropriate stats_modobs.F. This implied changes in is4dvar_ocean.h, s4dvar_ocean.h, w4dpsas_ocean.h, and w4dvar_ocean.h.
  • Corrected parallel bugs in grid_coords.F and interpolate.F when computing the initial locations of stations and floats from (lon,lat) data. This bug was reported in the ROMS forum by Wen Long.
  • Corrected an array out-of-bounds in nf_fread.F in distributed-memory applications. The scratch variable wrk need to be allocated as Npts+2 since the minimum and maximum values are appended to the end of wrk in routine mp_scatter to reduce additional parallel reduction. Many thanks to John Warner for bringing this to my attention. This one was a hard one.
  • Corrected bugs in ecosim.h to fix how pigment biomass is computed. Many thanks to Bronwyn for fixing this one.
  • Corrected a typo in wrt_station.F. Many thanks to Jacopo for finding this one.
  • Corrected computation of volume-averaged kinetic energy in diag.F, ad_diag.F, rp_diag.F, and tl_diag.F as reported by Bin Zhang and Sasha in the forum.
  • Correct several parallel bugs when processing point data in set_data.F, ad_set_data.F, rp_set_data.F, and tl_set_data.F. Many thanks to Rob Hetland for finding this one.
For the current updated file list .

jcwarner - November 15, 2006 @ 12:47
ROMS_SED Subversion control log- Comments Off on ROMS_SED Subversion control log

I am considering this blog as a location for my notes on major model advancements and as an additional means to track what has been incorporated into the releases.

Subversion version control.
The idea is that we start with a distributed version of ROMS, roms_v2.2.
This was our starting point and we entered roms_v2.2 into SVN version control. As we make modifications for the sediment advancements, we will make new (internal) releases and use the second dot (which is the third number), such as
roms_sed_v2.2.1, v2.2.2, v2.2.3, etc etc. As more features become available, and as we gain confidence in the third number, we will merge back to the main roms trunk and make roms_v2.3.


Starting with roms_v2.2 we have added capabilites for:
ssw_bbl : bottom boundary layer model to account for increased bottom stress due to wave+currents

suspended sediment transport : minor additions to account for multiple sediment classes and new input file structures.

bedload transport : included 2 methods 1) Meyer-Peter Mueller and 2) Soulsby +Damgaard methodologies. Both use bottom stress for waves + currents but the SD method is more applicable to wave environemnts. The MPM method was developed just for currents.

bed model : 3D bed strucutre that tracks stratigraphy, multiple sed class distributions, resuspension + deposition interaction with suspended sed.

morphology : as bed evolves, the changing sea floor elevation is used as boundary condition to omega. Entire model knows about changing bed elevation (if activated).

wetting/drying : this is based on cell face blocking methodology. The user specifies a ‘critical depth.’ During computation, if the total water depth (h+zeta) at a rho point is less than the critical depth, then transport is prevented out of that cell. That is it. Water is always allowed to flow into a cell. Cells with an initial rho_mask = 0 will always be dry.

surface tke fluxes : there are 2 methods to account for flux of turbulent kinetic energy from breaking surface waves 1) Craig/Banner with Charnok coefficient that is based on a surface wind stress and 2) wave energy dissipation that is based on wave breaking. Both methods are incorporated into the GLS turbulence closure model.

wave/current interaction : this is currently based on Mellor 2003; 2005 JPO and adds ‘radiation stress terms’ to the momentum equations. These terms add forcing due to momentum flux from waves. The formulation requires information of wave height, length, and direction.

model coupling : we use the Model Coupling Toolkit to couple ROMS to SWAN (v40.41AB). Users need to install and compile MCT to make the librarires for linking. The model is driven with the ROMS/External/coupling*.in file.

These features now comprise our version roms_sed_v2.2.2.

– minor updates to several test cases

– update to new directory structure of

— src

kate - November 7, 2006 @ 18:49
Restart question- Comments (4)

This is code from checkvars.F:

   +84  #ifndef ANA_INITIAL
   +85        get_var(idFsur)=.TRUE.
   +86        get_var(idUbar)=.TRUE.
   +87        get_var(idVbar)=.TRUE.
   +88  # ifdef SOLVE3D
   +89        get_var(idUvel)=.TRUE.
   +90        get_var(idVvel)=.TRUE.
   +91        DO itrc=1,NAT
   +92          get_var(idTvar(itrc))=.TRUE.
   +93        END DO
   +94  # endif
   +95  #endif

I am having trouble in the restart where it reads the time from the restart file, but nothing else. I have a case with #define ANA_INITIAL because I want zero initial flow and zeta (2-D tides), but want to spin up the tides, then restart and save more often. I can’t be the only one who ever wants to restart a test problem. If we ever tackle the problems in the restart, a test problem is an ideal situation to be investigating. I’ll get back to you with a fix…

Problems in restart you ask? Yes, I believe there are some, one being the case of changing history files every say ten saves, then restarting after five or fifteen saves. Try it, you’ll like it.

Edit: I’ve found a fix, hope it works.