From WikiROMS
WikiROMS Guidelines
Please use the following guidelines when building a WikiROMS page:
- ROMS CPP Options
- All ROMS cpp options technical description can be found in a single large page to facilitate printing. This page is organized in alphabetic order sub-sections. Each option has an anchor tag to enable linking from any wikipage. For example, links in the form
- [[Options#UV_ADV | UV_ADV]]
- will link to UV_ADV in this page. The grouping of options for specific physical processes, numerical algorithms, configuration strategies, idealized and realistic applications, and various model drivers will be documented elsewhere in separated wikipages.
- ROMS Variables
- All ROMS variables can be found in a single large page to facilitate printing. This page is organized in alphabetic order sub-sections. Each ROMS variable has an anchor tag to enable linking from any wikipage. For example, links in the form
- [[Variables#zeta | zeta]]
- will link to a variable named zeta in this page.
- Scientific References
- All the scientific references are entered in the Bibliography page to facilitate printing. This page is organized in alphabetic order sub-sections. Notice that each reference has a unique anchor tag to facilitate citation from any wikipage. The anchor tag has the author lastname, firstname initial(s), underscore, publication year, and a lowercase letter enclosed with the span tag. For example,
- <span id="SverdrupHU_1947a"></span> Sverdrup, H. U., 1947: Wind-driven currents in a baroclinic ocean, with application to the equatorial currents of the eastern Pacific, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 33 (11), 318-326.
- The lowercase letter is used to distinguish between different publications from the same author in a year. To citate from any wikipage use:
- [[Bibliography#SverdrupHU_1947a | Sverdrup (1947)]]