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<div class="title">ROMS/TOMS Test Cases</div>
<div class="title">ROMS/TOMS Test Cases</div>
==Idealized Test Cases==
Currently, there are several idealized applications ...
* [[A4DVAR_TOY_CASE | 4DVAR Data Assimilation Toy]]
* [[BASIN_CASE | Big Bad Basin Example]]
* [[BENCHMARK_CASE | Benchmark Tests]]
* [[BIO_TOY_CASE | One-dimension (vertical) Biology Toy]]
* [[BL_TEST_CASE | Boundary Layers Test]]
* [[CANYON_CASE | Canyon Example]]
* [[CHANNEL_NECK_CASE | Channel with a Constriction]]
* [[COUPLING_TEST_CASE | Two-way Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling Test]]
* [[DOUBLE_GYRE_CASE | Idealized Double-gyre Example]]
* [[ESTUARY_TEST_CASE | Test Estuary for Sediment]]
* [[FLT_TEST_CASE | Float Tracking Example]]
* [[GRAV_ADJ_CASE | Graviational Adjustment Example]]
* [[INLET_TEST_CASE | Test Inlet Application]]
* [[KELVIN_CASE | Kelvin wave test]]
* [[LAB_CANYON_CASE | Lab Canyon, Polar Coordinates Example]]
* [[LAKE_SIGNELL_CASE | Lake Signell Sediment Test Case]]
* [[LMD_TEST_CASE | Test for LMD and KPP]]
* [[OVERFLOW_CASE | Graviational/Overflow Example]]
* [[RIVERPLUME1_CASE | River Plume Example 1]]
* [[RIVERPLUME2_CASE | River plume Example 2 (Hyatt and Signell)]]
* [[SEAMOUNT_CASE | Seamount Example]]
* [[SED_TEST1_CASE | Suspended Sediment Test in a Channel]]
* [[SED_TOY_CASE | One-dimension (vertical) Sediment Toy]]
* [[SHOREFACE_CASE | Shore Face Planar Beach Test Case]]
* [[SOLITON_CASE | Equatorial Rossby Wave Example]]
* [[TEST_CHAN_CASE | Sediment Test Channel Case]]
* [[TEST_HEAD_CASE | Sediment Test Headland Case]]
* [[UPWELLING_CASE | Upwelling Example (default)]]
* [[WEDDELL_CASE | Idealized Weddell Sea Shelf Application]]
* [[WINDBASIN_CASE | Linear Wind-driven Constant Coriolis Basin]]

Revision as of 21:20, 7 June 2007