Grid Generation

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Grid Generation

ROMS uses an Arakawa "C" Grid. The grid can be specified using analytical functions or with a netcdf file. To create a netcdf grid file, there are several grid generation tools.


A GUI-based Matlab program for creating curvilinear orthogonal grids with 4 corners

SEAGRID includes tools to create ROMS NetCDF grid files.

Some useful additional m-files for working with SEAGRID are

  • join_cst.m: Turn coastline segments (e.g. from the Coastline Extractor) into coastline polygons that will then mask land when used in SEAGRID.
  • read_srtm30plus.m: Read SRTM30+ worldwide 30sec (~1km) topography via Web Mapping Service.

These tools are part of the RPSstuff Matlab toolbox available via SVN:

 svn co  ./rps_stuff 

GRIDGEN by Pavel Sakov

A C program for creating curvilinear orthogonal grids with an arbitrary number of corners (scroll down Pavel's page to the section on "orthogonal grid generation")