Talk:Tidal Forcing

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With regard to the Oregon State tidal predictions and the matlab file otps2frc_v3.m

Depending on the versions of the matlab scripts used the user may have problems creating a ROMS forcing file. Depending on the version of the file t_vuf.m (called by otps2frc_v3.m) in the matlab path lines 153 and 154 of otps2frc_v3.m (those that call t_vuf.m) may need to be modified. If the version t_vuf.m in the matlab path requires 4 inputs, instead of the three given by otps2frc_v3.m, then either 'full' or 'nodal' needs to be added as the first input variable.

. . . just a comment to content of read_otps_output.m

If t_tide will be used to analyze tides, it is perhaps a good idea (at least according to Foreman and Henry [AWR 1989] p. 116) to change the tidal constituent periods in read_otps_output.m (which have 2-4 digits) with the exact ones used in t_tide. i.e. changing the lines from e.g.:

case 'm2' period(j) = 12.4206;

to the more accurate

case 'm2' period(j) = 12.4206011981605;

the best is perhaps to change the code so the periods are read directly from t_tide in stead of being hand coded.