svn checkout --username joe_roms MyDir
where MyDir is the destination directory on your local computer. It will be created if not found. If your username on your local computer is not the same as your ROMS username you will need to pass the --username option to svn.
Currently, this repository contains several 4D-Var test cases for the California Current System, 1/3 degree resolution, (WC13). It includes several sub-directories for each 4D-Var algorithm:
Code: Select all
/WC13 Main California Current System 4D-Var applications
/ARRAY_MODES Stabilized representer matrix array modes and clipping
/Data Input data directory
/Functionals Analytical expression header file
/I4DVAR Primal form of incremental 4D-Var, I4D-Var
/I4DVAR_impact I4D-Var observation impact
/Normalization 4D-Var error covariance normalization coefficients
/plotting 4D-Var plotting scripts (Matlab and ROMS plotting package)
/PSAS Dual form of 4D-Var, Physical-space Statistical Analysis System, 4D-PSAS
/PSAS_impact 4D-PSAS observation impact
/PSAS_sensitivity 4D-PSAS observation sensitivity (adjoint of 4D-PSAS)
/R4DVAR Dual form of 4D-Var, indirect representer method, R4D-Var
/R4DVAR_impact R4D-Var observation impact
/R4DVAR_sensitivity R4D-Var observation sensitivity (adjoint of R4D-Var)

Many thanks to Andy Moore (UCSC) for his tremendous help designing, coding, and testing these algorithms. Also many thanks to ROMS adjoint developers group for making this possible and to ONR and NSF for their sponsorship.