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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#917 Fixed Corrected minor typos and bugs arango

Corrected minor typos and bugs:

  • Corrected CPP directive PC02AIR_DATA to PCO2AIR_DATA in checkdefs.F.
  • Corrected the reporting of Phase-1 initialization in driver jedi_roms.h.
  • Corrected CPP directive in ad_set_avg.F, the if command was missing in
    #  if defined BULK_FLUXES && defined EMINUSP
#916 Done VERY IMPORTANT: Update WRF ESMF/NUOPC cap module arango

We have carefully examined the DATA-WRF-ROMS coupling system with the ESMF/NUOPC library. We fixed esmf_atm_wrf.h NUOPC cap module after a detailed analysis of the heat flux balance equation. The documentation of WRF fluxes in the code is confusing about the direction (downward/upward) and the sign (positive/negative) of the latent and sensible heat fluxes. The net heat flux previously exported from WRF to ROMS was incorrect due to the confusing information.

  • There are several variables in WRF for the heat component fluxes:

-- There is downwelling shortwave flux (swdnb, downward) and upwelling shortwave flux (swupb, upward) at the atmosphere bottom. Both are positive and with W/m2 units. Therefore, the net shortwave radiation flux is swdnb minus swupb, stored in variable gsw, is positive and downward since swupb is around 8 percent of the magnitude of swdnb. Notice that the variable swdown is equivalent to swdnb. Both are positive and with W/m2 units.

-- Since the ocean needs net shortwave radiation flux, we decided to use the downward (swdnb) and upward (swupb) fluxes for clarity. Also, the time-averaged values swdnb_mean and swupb_mean are available when the RAMS diagnostics are activated for semi-implicit coupling.

-- Similarly, there is downwelling longwave flux (lwdnb, downward) and upwelling longwave flux (lwupb, upward) at the atmosphere bottom. The variable lwupb is basically StefBo * emiss * Tsur4. Tsur is the land and ocean temperature at the atmosphere bottom (Kelvin). Likewise, notice that the variable glw is equivalent to lwdnb. We will use glw because its equivalent time-averaged variable is glw_mean when the RAMS diagnostics are activated for semi-implicit coupling. The net longwave radiation flux, glw minus lwupb, can be positive or negative.

-- The variable hfx is the sensible heat flux (W/m2), and lh is the latent heat flux (W/m2). Both fluxes are positive and upward from the bottom of the atmosphere. Please ignore the conflicting documentation in the WRF source code for these fluxes. The time-averaged values are hfx_mean and lh_mean, respectively. Therefore, we need to flip the sign and use minus when computing the ocean surface net heat flux.

-- Therefore, if BULK_FLUXES is off, the surface net heat flux (W/m2) exported to the ocean in subroutine WRF_Export of cap module esmf_atm_wrf.h needs to be:

            CASE ('nflx', 'shflux')
              MyFmin(1)= MISSING_dp
              DO j=Jstr,Jend
                DO i=Istr,Iend
                  Fval=(grid%swdnb_mean(i,j)-grid%swupb_mean(i,j))+     &
     &                 (grid%glw_mean(i,j)-grid%lwupb_mean(i,j))-       &
     &                 grid%lh_mean (i,j)-                              &
     &                 grid%hfx_mean(i,j)
# else
                  Fval=(grid%swdnb(i,j)-grid%swupb(i,j))+               &
     &                 (grid%glw(i,j)-grid%lwupb(i,j))-                 &
     &                 grid%lh (i,j)-                                   &
     &                 grid%hfx(i,j)
# endif
                END DO
              END DO

Here, the CPP option WRF_TIMEAVG is used to compute the flux with the RAMS time-averaged diagnostics for semi-implicit coupling (see RunSequence in wikiROMS).

  • Several routines in ROMS were updated to allow importing the components of the heat flux balance for debugging and output purposes when BULK_FLUXES is off.
  • The test case for Hurricane Irene has been revised accordingly in the test repository. Please check this application when configuring your coupling system.

Snapshots of WRF land and ocean surface temperature and heat flux components are shown below for the hurricane Irene application:

Then, the atmospheric field imported by ROMS are:

Many thanks to my colleagues at Rutgers, John Wilkin, Julia Levin, and Travis Miles, for the discussions about WRF-ROMS coupling.

The zero values in the latent heat flux in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) were corrected by commenting a limiter kluge in WRF modules module_sf_sfclay.F and module_sf_sfclayrev.F. But unfortunately, it has been there for years, and the WRF developers refuse to correct it. Specifically, we need to comment on these two lines:

!   line 898

!   And line 916


Furthermore, unlimited and limited latent heat flux and its difference (unlimited minus limited) values are shown below. Notice the effects of the removing the limiters along the US East Coast, MAB, and the Gulf of Maine.

The resulting net heat flux difference between using unlimited and limited latent heat fluxes yields:

Therefore, users need to be aware of the latent heat flux limiters in the WRF modules mentioned above and experiment in their particular applications.

#915 Fixed VERY IMPORTANT: corrected bug when defining depth arrays in output NetCDF files arango

Corrected bug to define time-independent depth arrays in the output history, quicksave, and DA initialization NetCDF files. We get the following error during execution:

output statement overflows record, unit -5

The issue is fixed by changing the depth variable long_name attribute statement from:

        WRITE (Vinfo( 2),40) Vname(2,idpthR)


        WRITE (Vinfo( 2),40) TRIM(Vname(2,idpthR))

 40  FORMAT ('time independent',1x,a)

We need to use the intrinsic TRIM() function to remove the padding blanks and avoid overflow.

I am appalled about this one; no idea what the previous version of the compilers was doing here. Although the value in Vname for this case is "depth of RHO-points" the standard says that compilers should pad with blank spaces to the declared length of the character string (120). So, the first statement above prepended "time independent" to the resulting string, rendering the Vinfo(2) length larger than the declared 120 characters.

To avoid related issues in the future, the management of Vname and Vinfo is updated in several routines with a character length parameter, MaxLen in the delaration:

     integer, parameter :: MaxLen = 160    ! information string length
     character (len=MaxLen) :: Vname(6,0:NV)
     character (len=MaxLen), dimension(8) :: Vinfo

Notice its character length is incremented from 120 to 160.

Many thanks to Jiangtao Xu (NOAA) for reporting and tracking this bug.

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