Lead Developers:

pic needed Hernan G. Arango
IMCS, Rutgers University
71 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Home Page
  • Supreme Wizard
  • Adjoint Developer
  • Variational Data Assimilation
  • Master Librarian
pic needed Alexander F. Shchepetkin
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Home Page
  • Algorithm Tzar
  • Kernel Developer

Associate Developers:

pic needed W. Paul Bissett
4807 Bayshore Boulevard
Suite 101
Tampa, FL 33611

Home Page
  • Hyperion High Priest
  • EcoSim Bio-Optical Model
pic needed Meinte Blaas
Energy Research Center (ECN)

Patten, Netherlands

Home Page
  • Dirt Master Jedi
  • Bottom Boundary Formulation
pic needed W. Paul Budgell
Institute of Mareine Research
Postboks 1870 Nordnes
5817 Bergen, Norway

Home Page
  • Nordic Ice God
  • Sea-Ice Model Developer
pic needed Xavier J. Capet
405 Charles E. Young Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Home Page
  • Dieu D'Instabilités
  • Lagrangian Trajectories revisited
pic needed Bruce D. Cornuelle
411 Neirenberg Hall
La Jolla, CA 92093

Home Page
  • Minimization Giant
  • Adjoint Developer
  • Variational Data Assimilation
pic needed Heather A. Crowley
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794

  • Diagnostics Terms Diva
  • Momentum and Tracer Balances
pic needed Laurent Debreu
51 rue des Mathematiques

  • HRH Lord of Nesting
  • Nesting
pic needed Emanuele Di Lorenzo
Georgia Tech
ES&T. Room 3252
Atlanta, GA 30332

Home Page
  • The Illuminated One
  • Adjoint Developer
  • Representers Caesar
pic needed Scott M. Durski
Oregon State University
104 Ocean Admin. Bldg.
Corvallis, OR 97331

Home Page
  • KPP Baron
  • K-profile Parameterization
pic needed Tal Ezer
Princeton University
P.O. Box CN710, Sayre Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544

Home Page
  • Deadly Viper Assassination Squad Leader
  • TOMS embassador
  • TOMS applications
pic needed Katja Fennel
IMCS, Rutgers University
71 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Home Page
  • Biogeochemical Femme Fatale
  • Fasham-type Biology Model
pic needed Hartmut Frenzel
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Home Page
  • Biogeochemical Iron Chef
  • Fasham-type Biology model
pic needed Mark G. Hadfield
PO Box 14-901
Wellington, New Zealand

  • Beta-Tester Mate Extraordinaire
  • Lagrangian Floats
pic needed Kate S. Hedstrom
P.O. Box 756020
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Home Page
  • GNU Guru and Hacker Goddess
  • Beta-Tester Supreme
pic needed Albert J. Hermann
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Bldg. 3
Seattle, WA, 98115

Home Page
  • Animation Muse
  • 4-D ROMS Visualization Embassador
pic needed Robert D. Hetland
Department of Oceanography
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843

Home Page
  • Achelous Mercenary
  • Rivers Point Sources
pic needed Yuliya Kanarska
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095

  • Gravity Sorceress
  • Non-hydrostatic dynamics
pic needed John M. Klinck
CCPO, Old Dominion University
Crittenton Hall
768 West 52nd Street
Norfolk, VA 23529

Home Page
  • Applications Maestro
  • Lagrangian Floats
pic needed Craig V. W. Lewis
Ocean Sciences Department
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Home Page
  • Neptune Alchemist
  • NPZD Model
pic needed Zhijin Gene Li
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109

  • Third Ocean Dragon King
  • 3DVAR Assimilation
pic needed Patrick Marchesiello
Centre IRD de Bretagne
B.P. 70
29280 - Plouzane, France

Home Page
  • OBC Mafia Don
  • Open Boundary Conditions
pic needed Arthur J. Miller
439 Neirenberg Hall
La Jolla, CA 92093

Home Page
  • Host Master, Wine Connoisseur and Social Maharishi
  • Adjoint Developer
  • Variational Data Assimilation
pic needed Andrew M. Moore
PAOS, UC Boulder
Campus Box 311
Boulder, CO 80309

Home Page
  • Adjoint Black-Belt Master
  • Generalized Stability Analysis God
  • Adjoint Developer
  • Variational Data Assimilation
pic needed Christopher W. Moore
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Bldg 3
Seattle, WA 98115

Home Page
  • Aeolus/Poseidon Warrior
  • WRF/ROMS Coupling
pic needed Pierrick Penven
University of Cape Town
7701 Rondebosch
Cape Town, South Africa

Home Page
  • Nesting L'enfant Terrible
  • RomsTools with Matlab
  • Nesting
pic needed David Robertson
IMCS, Rutgers University
71 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

  • Cyber Magician
  • ROMS/TOMS Webpages
pic needed Daniel S. Schaffer
Aviation Division
325 Broadway R/FS5
Boulder, Colorado 80305

Home Page
  • IO/API Ninja
  • ROMS/WRF Sequential/Concurrent coupling
pic needed Christopher R. Sherwood
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02548

Home Page
  • Dirt Holiness
  • Bottom Boundary Layer
  • Sediment Transport Model
pic needed Richard P. Signell
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02548

Home Page
  • CF Conventions Demon
  • Bottom Boundary Layer
pic needed Yusuke Uchiyama
3845 Slichter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Home Page
  • Windsurfing Oracle
  • Surface Wave Interactions
pic needed John C. Warner
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02548

Home Page
  • Dirt and Turbulence Deity
  • GLS Parameterization
  • Sediment Transport Model Chief
  • Beta-Tester Extraordinaire
pic needed John L. Wilkin
IMCS, Rutgers University
71 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Home Page
  • NENA Spiritual Leader
  • Real Applications Master Beta-Tester

Executive Committee:

pic needed Dale B. Haidvogel
IMCS, Rutgers University
71 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Home Page
pic needed James C. McWilliams
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Home Page
pic needed Robert L. Street
CEE, Stanford University
Building 524, Office R
Stanford, CA 94305

Home Page

Funding Program Managers:

pic needed Manuel Fiadeiro

pic needed Scott Harper

pic needed Theresa Paluszkiewicz

DMCS Ocean Modeling Group, by Webmaster.