Interpolating variables to get a finer resolution model (NESTED GRID)

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Interpolating variables to get a finer resolution model (NESTED GRID)

#1 Unread post by Patilc103 »

In an attempt to create a NESTED GRID application, using the same nested grid example(Lake Jersey). I considered the same coarser grid as in the given application named (a grid), using the coarse2fine function I created a grid in the same region as b gird but with more finer resolution. I was successful in generating that grid file. Now in order to have a initial file for this grid file, I'm using d_roms2roms.m. The parameters passed to this function are as follows,

sNWAdata = '';
NWAgrid = '';

GRDname = '';
INIname = '';

but when running that script I'm getting the following errors and it says Zname is missing how do I solve this Issue.

** Interpolating initial conditions from NWA to GOM grid **

** Processing: 01-Jan-1900 00:15:00 **

Interpolating 2D variable: zeta (156x233) from donor (102x82) ...

Donor Min = -6.55380e-03 Donor Max = 6.12860e-05
Receiver Min = -4.56433e-03 Receiver Max = -7.35259e-04 NaN count = 0

Interpolating 2D variable: ubar (156x233) from donor (101x82) ...

Donor Min = 1.82445e-04 Donor Max = 4.31658e-03
Receiver Min = 1.27630e-03 Receiver Max = 3.85136e-03 NaN count = 0

Interpolating 2D variable: vbar (156x233) from donor (102x81) ...

Donor Min = -8.93723e-04 Donor Max = 5.68493e-04
Receiver Min = -3.61550e-04 Receiver Max = 3.30786e-04 NaN count = 0

Error using roms2roms
ROMS2ROMS - unable to find field ', Zname, ' in receiver grid structure: R

Error in d_roms2roms (line 153)
I.(field) = roms2roms(NWAdata, P, T, field, IniRec, Rvector, ...

Below I have attached all the files mentioned here, any help is really appreciated.
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