typo in wrt_tides.F and def_tides.F?

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typo in wrt_tides.F and def_tides.F?

#1 Unread post by mjfconan »

(1) wrt_tides.F

Code: Select all

line 91
      SUBROUTINE wrt_tides_nf90 (ng, tile)
line 367
      SUBROUTINE wrt_tides_pio (ng, tile)
should be

Code: Select all

      SUBROUTINE wrt_tides_nf90 (ng, tile, LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj)
      SUBROUTINE wrt_tides_pio (ng, tile, LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj)
(2) def_tides.F

Code: Select all

line 64
          CALL def_tides_nf90 (ng)
line 68
          CALL def_tides_pio (ng)
should be

Code: Select all

          CALL def_tides_nf90 (ng, ldef)
          CALL def_tides_pio (ng, ldef)

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Re: typo in wrt_tides.F and def_tides.F?

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, good catch. Thank you for reporting this issue. I will update the code.

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