Suggestions for Nonlinear/Biology/fennel.h

Discussion about coupled ecosystem models

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Suggestions for Nonlinear/Biology/fennel.h

#1 Unread post by stlaur »

Good afternoon,

I have two suggestions regarding Nonlinear/Biology/fennel.h (Rutgers trunk version):

(1) On line 516, the code splits into two cases according to surface PAR:

Code: Select all

            IF (PARsur(i).gt.0.0_r8) THEN
followed on line 714 by:

Code: Select all

I'll refer to those two cases as "day-time" (PAR>0) and "night-time" (PAR=0), respectively.

In the day-time case, the nitrification of NH4 depends on whether oxygen is available in the water column (or not).
On lines 686-688:

Code: Select all

                fac2=MAX(Bio(i,k,iOxyg),0.0_r8)     ! O2 max
                fac3=MAX(fac2/(3.0_r8+fac2),0.0_r8) ! MM for O2 dependence
with `fac3' becoming zero (nitrification inhibited) if oxygen isn't available.

The night-time case, on the other hand, disregards whether oxygen is available or not.
On line 715:

Code: Select all

I suspect there should be a Michaelis-Menten term here, like we see in the "day-time" case.

(2) On lines 703 (day-time case) and 724 (night-time case), nitrification affects the total alkalinity as:

Code: Select all

Here, `N_Flux_Nitrifi' is the amount of NH4 (units: millimoles of nitrogen per cubic meter) that was nitrified into NO3.
Alkalinity has units of milliequivalents per cubic meter.
Line 703 tells us that nitrification reduces alkalinity by 1 equivalent for every mole of NH4.

But when I look at the literature, I find that nitrification reduces alkalinity by *2* for every mole of NH4 nitrified.
For example, page 297 of Wolf-Gladrow et al. 2007:

"In an aerobic environment, ammonia is ultimately oxidized to nitrate. Nitrification [...] leads to a decrease of TA by 2 moles per mole of NO3 formed."

Similarly, on page 14581 of Doney et al. 2007:

"Nitrification reduces alkalinity by 2 equivalents for every mole of NH4 consumed."

So I suspect that there should be a factor "2._r8" in front of N_Flux_Nitrifi on lines 703 and 724.


Wolf-Gladrow, D.A., R.E. Zeebe, C. Klaas, A. Kortzinger, A.G. Dickson (2007) Total alkalinity: The explicit conservative expression and its application to biogeochemical processes, Marine Chemistry, 106, 287-300,

Doney, S.C., N. Mahowald, I. Lima, R.A. Feely, F.T. Mackenzie, J.F. Lamarque, P.J. Rasch (2007) Impact of anthropogenic atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition on ocean acidification and the inorganic carbon system, Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci., 104(37), 14580-14585,

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Re: Suggestions for Nonlinear/Biology/fennel.h

#2 Unread post by kfennel »

Hi Stlaur,

Thanks for raising these excellent points -- indeed these and other updates should be made and are, in fact, long overdue.

We're working with Hernan to get a number of updates (including PO4 as additional variable) into the trunk.

Stay tuned and have a nice weekend,

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