Verification of ROMS installation based on the upwelling test case.

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Verification of ROMS installation based on the upwelling test case.

#1 Unread post by zemega »


I have downloaded ROMS trough svn. Its my first time using svn. The svn revision number is at 1036. I downloaded, separately, the folders; trunk, plot, test, and matlab. The details of the compilers and libraries used are as below. The computer is running CentOS 7 and using Intel Xeon.
Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20181018
Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 2019 Update 1 Build 20181016
Hdf5 1.12.0. The details are in libhdf5.settings.txt
pnetcdf 1.12.1. The details are in pnetcdf_version.txt
netcdf-c 4.6.2. The details are in nc-config.txt
netcdf-fortran 4.4.6. The details are in nf-config.txt.
ncarg 5.2.1

I have modified the Compilers/ with the following changes:
NETCDF_LIBS ?= -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
Around line 191, FC=mpif90 into FC=mpiifort
It seems ROMS compiled fine using the makefile.

I turn to the test case upwelling. Inside the, I made the following changes,
export USE_MPI=on
export USE_MPIF90=off
export which_MPI=mpiifort
export FORT=ifort
Afterward romsM was compiled. I was able to run the test case using mpirun -n 9 ./romsM

In order to view the plots, I compiled ncarg-5.2.1. I copied config/LINUX.INTEL to config/LINUX and made the following changes.
Change #define FCompiler ifc -mp cxlib to just #define FCompiler ifort
Change #define CCompiler icc -mp to just #define CCompiler icc
#define CtoFLibraries -lCEPCF90 -lF90 -lm into
#define CtoFLibraries -lifcore -lm
There were various warnings but it seems to compile just fine.

Afterward I compiled the ROMS plotting software. There were various warnings, but it seems to compile just fine, with the 4 executables produced.

With this I attached the various roms*.nc files, and the plots produced by the ROMS plotting software. Its a zip file of 16.2 MB, that should uncompress to 538 MB.
I hope someone can help me verify that the ROMS compilation and the upwelling test case is properly done.
(16.22 MiB) Downloaded 220 times

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