FORTRAN error - Probably related to January changes

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FORTRAN error - Probably related to January changes

#1 Unread post by winstns1 »


I am trying to compile ROMS for the first time since the changes were made to the build.bash file, and other compilation steps as well as other changes that were made to the file back in, I believe it was January when these changes were made? I didn't see a release forum note on this but I am currently using svn Revision 1015. In any event, the compilation stops at the following point:

read_phypar.f90(551): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [LTRACING]
read_phypar.f90(551): error #6303: The assignment operation or the binary expression operation is invalid for the data types of the two operands. [LVALUE]
compilation aborted for read_phypar.f90 (code 1)

I took a look at the source code and this is a case statement that defines an Ltracing variable which I can't find documented anywhere. (My apologies if I have missed it). I am assuming that this is some sort of internal variable that gets defined and activated from one of the cppdefs related to the scalar tracers or passive tracers - I was wondering if anyone could tell me which cppdef I need to make sure is properly defined? I know some changes were made to the file and, of course, the envrionmental setup scripts and such. I wasn't sure if any changes were made to the cppdefs.

My apologies if this is a really easy, dumb "user error" on my part - that is certainly possible! :D But I thought it would be worth a quick post here in case someone had an easy answer for me. Thanks!

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Re: FORTRAN error - Probably related to January changes

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

this just got added in the last src ticket 850. Think it could just be commented out for now:

CASE ('Ltracing')
Npts=load_l(Nval, Cval, 1, Lvalue)
! Ltracing=Lvalue(1) <---line 895


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Re: FORTRAN error - Probably related to January changes

#3 Unread post by winstns1 »

Oh! That would be great! If only all of my struggles were so simple. :D I will try that and let you know...thank you!

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Re: FORTRAN error - Probably related to January changes

#4 Unread post by arango »

I actually removing that parameter in an update that I am releasing today. Remove the couple of ocurrences of Ltracing in read_phypar.F. I have several reseach repositories and sometimes unwanted features leaks into the trunk. Sorry about that.

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Re: FORTRAN error - Probably related to January changes

#5 Unread post by winstns1 »

No worries! I am glad I posted here! I was tempted myself to comment those lines out but I didn't quite have the courage without asking here first. :D

Thank you again for the prompt response!

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