WC13/R4DVAR Compiling Problem

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WC13/R4DVAR Compiling Problem

#1 Unread post by ckers »

After compiling Build_roms.bash in the src/test/WC13/R4DVAR directory, I get the error below

src/test/WC13/R4DVAR/Build_roms/libUTIL.a(posterior_var.o): In function `__posterior_var_mod_MOD_posterior_var_tile':
posterior_var.f90:(.text+0xf036): undefined reference to `dpotrf_'
posterior_var.f90:(.text+0x12336): undefined reference to `dpotri_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
How can I solve this?

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Re: WC13/R4DVAR Compiling Problem

#2 Unread post by AbhiPasula »

Hi, modellers

I am also facing a compiling error of WC13
I am trying to run the WC13 4D VAR test case..
Compiling I'm getting the following errors.


/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort -fp-model precise -heap-arrays -ip -O3 -traceback -check uninit -fp-model precise -heap-arrays -ip -O3 -traceback -check uninit Build/roms_import.o Build/propagator.o Build/master.o Build/roms_export.o Build/coupler.o Build/esmf_roms.o Build/ocean_control.o -o romsM Build/libNLM.a Build/libUTIL.a Build/libADM.a Build/libADM_bio.a Build/libRPM.a Build/libRPM_bio.a Build/libTLM.a Build/libTLM_bio.a Build/libNLM.a Build/libNLM_bio.a Build/libNLM_sed.a Build/libANA.a Build/libUTIL.a Build/libMODS.a Build/libNLM.a -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -L/root/ARPACK/PARPACK -lparpack -L/root/ARPACK -larpack
ld: cannot find -lparpack
ld: cannot find -larpack
make: *** [Master/Module.mk:22: romsM] Error 1
Please let me know, whats the problem?

I have compiled the ARPACK and created the libarpack.a libparpack.a and

if i commented the ARPACK LIBS and getting another following errors giving errors of -lnetcdf -lnetcdff libraries missing but installed the netcdf also..

ld: Build/libUTIL.a(congrad.o): in function `congrad_':
congrad.f90:(.text+0x8822): undefined reference to `dsteqr_'
make: *** [Master/Module.mk:22: romsM] Error 1

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Re: WC13/R4DVAR Compiling Problem

#3 Unread post by robertson »

Where are your libarpack.a and libparpack.a? Assuming your ARPACK source code is in the /root/ARPACK directory then both libarpack.a and libparpack.a should be in /root/ARPACK. The way you have things configured, you are telling the linker that libparpack.a is in the /root/ARPACK/PARPACK directory. Also, unless you are compiling and running ROMS as the root user (a really bad idea) it's likely that the you cannot access anything in the /root directory.

As for NetCDF, many things could be happening here and without a copy of your build_roms.{sh|bash} and my_build_paths.{sh|bash} it's hard to guess.

If WC13 is the first test case you are compiling as a ROMS user, I would suggest starting with the upwelling test case.

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Re: WC13/R4DVAR Compiling Problem

#4 Unread post by AbhiPasula »

Thanks Robertson,

It resolved the problem. :D
I am trying to run the 4DVAR, so trying to run the WC13 and now ROMS I4DVAR is running successfully.

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