Check the following

However, in computers with parallel I/O architecture it maybe problematic or dangerous to read NetCDF-3 classic format files. So it is recommended to convert your input NetCDF-3 classic format files to NetCDF-4/HDF5 format. This is very easy to do with the ncdump and ncgen programs in Unix:
% ncdump4 my_netcdf3.nc | ncgen4 -b -o my_netcdf4.nc
% ncdump3 my_netcdf3.nc | ncgen4 -g -o my_netcdf4.nc
Here, ncdump3 is an alias to the ncdump program available in any of the netcdf-3.x libraries and ncdump4 is an alias for same program in the Netcdf-4/HDF5 library. Similarly, ncgen4 is an alias to the ncgen program available in Netcdf-4/HDF5 library. Recall, that all the NetCDF libraries are backward compatible. The above conversion command may take some time depending on the size of the file. Maybe we need to get a faster coverter. I found a python nc3tonc4 script in a Google search. I not very familiar with python. I pretty much dislike what python does to MPICH2, so I am not a python fan.
There are internal time stamps in the NetCDF-4/HDF5 format type files. Therefore is not longer possible to use the Unix diff command to check if files created with different partitions are indentical. This is a nice trick to check if there are parallel bugs in a particular ROMS application. Recall that you need first to activate the ROMS C-preprocessing option DEBUGGING to avoid writing executable global attributes in output files. However, the HDF5 library has the h5diff for such binary comparison. For example, we can compare:
% h5diff my_his_2x2.nc my_his_1x4.nc

Code: Select all
ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Sunday - February 8, 2009 - 4:22:33 PM
Attempting to use an MPI routine after finalizing MPICH
Attempting to use an MPI routine after finalizing MPICH
Attempting to use an MPI routine after finalizing MPICH
Attempting to use an MPI routine after finalizing MPICH