Post-doc in the physics and observation of coastal flooding events--University of New Hampshire

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Post-doc in the physics and observation of coastal flooding events--University of New Hampshire

#1 Unread post by jpringle »

As coastal sea-levels rise, flooding is increasingly impacting coastal communities. The NSF funded EPSCOR project, "Community-Driven Coastal Climate Research & Solutions for the Resilience of New England Coastal Populations," seeks to help communities manage the increasing environmental risks caused by a changing climate.

As part of this project, the Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory and the Institute for Earth, Ocean and Space at the University of New Hampshire is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to research the linkages between shelf-scale sea-level, surface wave and wind fields, river inflow and coastal flooding on a human scale (i.e. at the scale of ports and neighborhoods). We seek to understand what drives local flooding events, and what are the sources of error in the predictions of these sea-level events. There will be opportunities to develop and/or use high resolution numerical models on regional and embayment scales to compare with observations and understand the discrepancies between models and observations. We are also developing machine learning models of local sea-level, and are interested in understanding their possibilities.

The term of this project is 2.5 years (1 year term with possibility of renewal).

Experience in physical oceanography and is required. Experience with numerical models, statistics and machine learning would be helpful. Expected duties include submission of results for publication in refereed journals, documenting modeling code and products, and collaborating with other researchers in this project at Brown University, the University of Rhode Island, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and elsewhere to further the goals of this project.

Questions can be sent to Jamie Pringle at; Please send me an email when you submit an application. Details and instructions for applying can be found at

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