Hi everybody,
I need to provide the tidal constituents for an enclosed gulf located in the Persian Gulf that its bathymetry is fine (dx= dy = 250 meters). could you please tell me which dataset is appropriate for this region? I think the TMD toolbox has a coarse resolution and it is not good for my domain.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
tidal constituents
Re: tidal constituents
Hi Pooran, what I did about ten years ago was set up a ROMS tidal model of the Gulf. The outer boundary was outside the Straits of Oman in the Arabian Sea. It had an approximately 1100 metre grid. I used the TPXO tides at the outer boundary to drive it. I let it run for a year. Then I analyzed the water levels and currents at each wet point for tides (all the TPXO harmonics). So far, so easy. The harmonics were mostly an improvement on the TPXO harmonics, where I compared against published harmonics. The problem is, that the etopo1, etopo2, and every other bathymetric database I could find was based on very old and inaccurate data around the Emirates, and the global coastlines (GSHHS etc) were no better. Since those things are very important to the tides, you won't get accurate tides around there, or in some other parts of the Gulf, unless you have better coastlines and bathymetry. I'm happy to share my Gulf harmonics with you, at 1100 m, but I make no claim to their accuracy anywhere near the coasts. They are in the form of a matfile.