ROMS/TOMS Forum Updated

Archive of important messages sent via the ROMS mailing list

Moderators: arango, robertson

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ROMS/TOMS Forum Updated

#1 Unread post by arango »

ROMS/TOMS Forum Upgraded

As you may have noticed, we have upgraded the forum. The new forum offers some improvements and adds some features. Some advantages of the new forum are:
  • Improved searching capabilities: The Google search is still available but we encourage you to try the normal search and let us know how it’s working.
  • Post attachments: Users can now attach files to their posts so we no longer need to make exceedingly long posts of log files or input files. Images can also be attached.
  • Private Messaging: Administrators and moderators are allowed to send private messages and warnings to users about their posts when appropriate. This will allow us to censure poorly thought out messages privately.
If you have any problems with the new forum please email

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