about oa exe file....

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about oa exe file....

#1 Unread post by mashinde »

dear frds,

when I compiled Makefile_GNU from oa pakcag, it creats 'oa' exe file in ${HOME}/bin directory....and when i use this 'oa' exe to extract the global hdat data to my subdomain then it gives me following error.....
here is the part of shell script 'xhdat_job_medi'
#!/bin/csh -f
# This script extract a subset data from global COADS
# datasets. Input and output data is HDAT format. The resulting
# HDAT file is use by the OA package to map the data into model
# grid application. It is always recommended to sample the global
# data into a grid a little larger than the application to avoid
# a very expensive OA computation.

set HDATDIR=/home/mahesh/Desktop/ROMS_DATA/hdat/global
#set EXTRACT=${HOME}/bin/extr_hdat

set EXTRACT=/home/sadmin/bin/oa

set PREFIX="medi"

set LLON=-23.0
set RLON=47.0
set BLAT=28.0
set TLAT=48.0

gunzip ${HDATDIR}/coads.hdat.gz
gzip ${HDATDIR}/coads.hdat

and after compiling...it gives me following error....

At line 65 of file oapar.F (unit = 5, file = 'stdin')
Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input
is the exe files 'extr_hdat' and 'oa' are same....i does not find 'extr_hdat' before and after compiling makefile.

if anybody knows the answer..please reply.

*Is someone know how to use OA package ..it will be better if someone explains step-by-step of processing it.

Thanks in advance

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Re: about oa exe file....

#2 Unread post by kate »

No, the two are not the same. extr_hdat is likely a script to create a file in hdat format, which is the form needed by oa.

Actually, the tough thing about using oa is getting its input into the correct format. What fields are you converting to the hdat format? Do you understand the hdat format and what it should look like? I had to hack together my own scripts to do this, years and years ago.

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Re: about oa exe file....

#3 Unread post by mashinde »

Hello Kate,

Thanks for reply.
(1) Actually I am using Levitus98 monthly global files in hdat formats as given in roms packages on roms website. It also contains global coads clim data in hdat format. Now I want to map these data to my application grid. So I can use output nc files that mapped horizontally on my application grid generated by OA as a input for creating forcings,clim,init files.

(2) how create boundary files for roms ?

Thanking you

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Re: about oa exe file....

#4 Unread post by kate »

I really don't remember how to run oa. One reason I moved on to other tools is that I never had great luck using Levitus as my source of boundary fields. My sense is that the Northeast Pacific boundary conditions just magically behaved better once we went to using model output with consistent velocities in the boundary conditions. Anyone else have better luck with Levitus?

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