wind forcing

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wind forcing

#1 Unread post by francis »

Hi all,
How to run model using wind stress having bulk_fluxes option enabled. Because maximum all datasets like OA fluxes, SOC fluxes they are providing only wind stresses but not the individual winds data, so I want to use that data at the same time I want to use bulk flux parameterization. How can it will be possible?
Any help is appreciated.



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Re: wind forcing

#2 Unread post by kate »

Please explain more clearly what you would like to do. Would you like to provide the wind stresses or compute your own? Using BULK_FLUXES, you compute the stresses from winds and other atmospheric fields. Are you asking where we obtain wind products? For what domain and what time period? There are several global hindcasts out there, free for downloading, but they are spatially coarse.

One of the main reasons to compute your own heat fluxes is that the outgoing longwave radiation is strongly dependent on your sea surface temperature (SST). Using one computed from some other SST will lead to a mismatch.

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Re: wind forcing

#3 Unread post by francis »

I am having data of wind stress.
I want to force the model with this wind stress data but BULK_FLUXES enabled. How can I do? If I enable that option, I have to give winds only, so how can I use windstress in model?
I think now u understand my doubt.


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Re: wind forcing

#4 Unread post by kate »

Well, you can copy bulk_flux.F and make your own version. You will have to go through the get_data stuff too, to force it to read your stresses from the forcing files. You might still need the winds for the thermal bulk flux computation.

If you plan to run it in parallel, I suggest you do some checks, say comparing a 1x4 tiling with 4x1, just to make sure it's right.

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Re: wind forcing

#5 Unread post by jzavala »

You could also compute the wind from the stress and then use BULK_FLUXES as it is.

If the you have the pseudo-stress
Tx = u*W and Ty = v*W

where W = sqrt(u^2 + v^2)

Then it follows that W = (Tx^2 + Ty^2)^(1/4), and

u = Tx/W
v = Ty/W

If you have stress, then you also need to divide by rho_air*Cd


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