compilation error using ICESHELF in ROMS 3.0

Discussion about modeling ice with ROMS

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compilation error using ICESHELF in ROMS 3.0

#1 Unread post by donguiyo »

I got the following compilation error (the compilation is succesful if I undefine ICESHELF) for the following set of choices.
#define ICE_MODEL
#define ICE_THERMO
#define ICE_MK
#define ICE_MOM_BULK
#define ICE_EVP
#define ICE_ADVECT
#define ICE_SMOLAR
#define ICE_UPWIND
#define ICESHELF
ifort -c -openmp -O3 -mp -axP -xP set_vbc.f90
fortcom: Error: set_vbc.f90, line 225: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [V]
cff1=0.25_r8*(v(i ,j ,N(ng),nrhs)+ &
fortcom: Error: set_vbc.f90, line 229: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.
compilation aborted for set_vbc.f90 (code 1)
make: *** [set_vbc.o] Error 1
rm mod_kinds.f90

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#2 Unread post by kate »

Obviously you've picked a combination we haven't tried yet. Let me start by asking you what you plan on modeling and for what scientific questions. Do you have an ice shelf or do you have sea-ice or do you have both side by side?

You are also clearly messing with code that's new and not as thoroughly debugged as the core of ROMS. Here the compiler has told you the problem is unknown variables u and v. These variables are in the argument list for some cpp options. Go through the logic there and tell us how it should be for your case.

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