Help with roms application

Information about ongoing ROMS/TOMS applications

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Help with roms application

#1 Unread post by angelolemos »

Hi everyone,
I need help to run any study case in the roms model.
My system is Linux and I use the ifort compiler. My path is /home/angelolemos/roms/trunk
I need a person who I can talk daily by e-mail.
My main problem is how to use the, I can't understand these language because I even used a makefile with differents codes when I used the POM model.
Please, a need help so much. :cry:

Thanks people!

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Re: Help with roms application

#2 Unread post by kate »

You can use the makefile instead of the build script if you like - I do even though it bugs some of the others on here. ;)

Please try to use the wiki to figure out how to use ROMS. There is a section on compiling and there are also introductory tutorials. Please ask if you find anything there unclear. That way, you can be helping future newcomers as well as yourself.

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