Problem in make_grid.m routine

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Problem in make_grid.m routine

#1 Unread post by lassad »

Hi all,

I'm trying to generate a grid using roms tools package. I had set up a romstools_param.m file for my grid but when I execute make_grid I got the following error message (below described) associated with m_proj.m routine

??? Improper index matrix reference.

Error in ==> m_proj at 69

Error in ==> make_coast at 80

Error in ==> make_grid at 174

Does anyone knows what I'm doing wrong here?

thanks for the help

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Re: Problem in make_grid.m routine

#2 Unread post by andres »

Please post your romstools_param.m to understand the problem.

My guess is that the file was created and there is a problem plotting the domain. Check if you can find the file in the ROMS_FILES directory. If there is one, at least you can continue with your simulation.
Andres Sepulveda

Geophysics Department
University of Concepcion

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Re: Problem in make_grid.m routine

#3 Unread post by lassad »

Hi Andres

Thank you for your quickly reply. In Fact I've got to produce a file but when I opened it in matlab it seems that the routine didn't got to interpolate the bathymetry and the others forcing fields to the resolution that I ask for in my romstools_param.m file (attached in this message).

Thanks for the attention and help,


% romstools_param: common parameter file for the preprocessing
% of ROMS simulations using ROMSTOOLS
% This file is used by make_grid.m, make_forcing.m,
% make_clim.m, make_biol.m, make_bry.m, make_tides.m,
% make_NCEP.m, make_OGCM.m, make_...
% Further Information:
% This file is part of ROMSTOOLS
% ROMSTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
% by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
% or (at your option) any later version.
% ROMSTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
% MA 02111-1307 USA
% Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Patrick Marchesiello and Pierrick Penven
% Updated 6-Sep-2006 by Pierrick Penven
% Updated 2006/10/05 by Pierrick Penven (add tidegauge observations)
% Updated 24-Oct-2006 by Pierrick Penven (diagnostics, chla etc...)
% 1 General parameters
% ROMS title names and directories
ROMS_title = 'Queiroz';
ROMS_config = 'Queiroz';
ROMSTOOLS_dir = 'C:\Litos\ROMS\tools\ROMS_TOOLS';
% ROMS file names (grid, forcing, bulk, climatology, initial)
oaname =[ROMS_files_dir,'']; % oa file : intermediate file not used
% in roms simulations
Zbryname=[ROMS_files_dir,''];% Zbry file: intermediate file not used
% in roms simulations
frc_prefix=[ROMS_files_dir,'roms_queiroz_frc']; % generic forcing file name
% for interannual roms simulations (NCEP or GFS)
blk_prefix=[ROMS_files_dir,'roms_queiroz_blk']; % generic bulk file name
% for interannual roms simulations (NCEP or GFS)
% Objective analysis decorrelation scale [m]
% (if Roa=0: simple extrapolation method; crude but much less costly)
interp_method = 'cubic'; % Interpolation method: 'linear' or 'cubic'
makeplot = 0; % 1: create a few graphics after each preprocessing step
% 2 Grid parameters
% used by make_grid.m (and others..)
% Grid dimensions:
lonmin = -39.0; % Minimum longitude [degree east]
lonmax = -38.5; % Maximum longitude [degree east]
latmin = -16.5; % Minimum latitude [degree north]
latmax = -14.5; % Maximum latitude [degree north]

%lonmin = -55.0; % Minimum longitude [degree east]
%lonmax = -30.0; % Maximum longitude [degree east]
%latmin = -35.0; % Minimum latitude [degree north]
%latmax = -15.0; % Maximum latitude [degree north]

% Grid resolution [degree]
dl = 1/15;
% Number of vertical Levels (! should be the same in param.h !)
N = 15;
% Vertical grid parameters (! should be the same in !)
theta_s = 8.;
theta_b = 0.;
hc =10.;
% Minimum depth at the shore [m] (depends on the resolution,
% rule of thumb: dl=1, hmin=300, dl=1/4, hmin=150, ...)
% This affect the filtering since it works on grad(h)/h.
hmin = 2.;
% Maximum depth at the shore [m] (to prevent the generation
% of too big walls along the coast)
hmax_coast = 1500;
% Topography netcdf file name (ETOPO 2 or any other netcdf file
% in the same format)
topofile = [ROMSTOOLS_dir,'\Topo\'];
% Slope parameter (r=grad(h)/h) maximum value for topography smoothing
rtarget = 0.25;
% Number of pass of a selective filter to reduce the isolated
% seamounts on the deep ocean.
% Number of pass of a single hanning filter at the end of the
% smooting procedure to ensure that there is no 2DX noise in the
% topography.
% GSHSS user defined coastline (see m_map)
% XXX_f.mat Full resolution data
% XXX_h.mat High resolution data
% XXX_i.mat Intermediate resolution data
% XXX_l.mat Low resolution data
% XXX_c.mat Crude resolution data
coastfileplot = 'coastline_l.mat';
coastfilemask = 'coastline_l_mask.mat';

% 3 Surface forcing parameters
% used by make_forcing.m and by make_bulk.m
% COADS directory (for climatology runs)
% COADS time (for climatology runs)
coads_time=(15:30:345); % days: middle of each month
coads_cycle=360; % repetition of a typical year of 360 days
%coads_time=(15.2188:30.4375:350.0313); % year of 365.25 days in the case
%coads_cycle=365.25; % of QSCAT experiments with
% climatological heat flux.
% 3.1 Surface forcing parameters
% used by pathfinder_sst.m
% 4 Open boundaries and initial conditions parameters
% used by make_clim.m, make_biol.m, make_bry.m
% Open boundaries switches (! should be consistent with cppdefs.h !)
obc = [1 1 0 0]; % open boundaries (1=open , [S E N W])

%obc = [0 1 1 0]; % open boundaries (1=open , [S E N W])
% Level of reference for geostrophy calculation
zref = -400;
% Switches for selecting what to process in make_clim (1=ON)
% (and also in make_OGCM.m and make_OGCM_frcst.m)
makeini=1; %1: process initial data
makeclim=1; %1: process lateral boundary data
makebry=1; %1: process boundary data
makeoa=1; %1: process oa data (intermediate file)
insitu2pot=1; %1: transform in-situ temperature to potential temperature
makeZbry=1; %1: process data in Z coordinate
% Day of initialisation for climatology experiments (=0 : 1st january 0h)
% World Ocean Atlas directory (WOA2001 or WOA2005)
% Surface chlorophyll seasonal climatology (WOA2001 or SeaWifs)
% Set times and cycles for the boundary conditions:
% monthly climatology
woa_time=(15:30:345); % days: middle of each month
woa_cycle=360; % repetition of a typical year of 360 days
%woa_time=(15.2188:30.4375:350.0313); % year of 365.25 days in the case
%woa_cycle=365.25; % of QSCAT experiments with
% climatological boundary conditions
% 5 Parameters for tidal forcing
% TPXO file name (TPXO6 or TPXO7)
% Number of tides component to process
% Chose order from the rank in the TPXO file :
% "M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Q1 Mf Mm"
% " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
tidalrank=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
% Compare with tidegauge observations
%lat0=48.42; % Brest location
%Z0=4; % Mean depth of the tidegauge in Brest
%lat0=-33.91; % Cape Town location
%Z0=1; % Mean depth of the tidegauge in Cape Town

%lat0=-22; % Estação F1N - PROCAP2000
%Z0=1; % Mean depth of the tidegauge

lat0=3; % Estação PENROD
Z0=1; % Mean depth of the tidegauge

% 6 Temporal parameters (used for make_tides, make_NCEP, make_OGCM)
Yorig = 1900; % reference time for vector time
% in roms initial and forcing files
Ymin = 2007; % first forcing year
Ymax = 2007; % last forcing year
Mmin = 1; % first forcing month
Mmax = 12; % last forcing month
Dmin = 1; % Day of initialization
Hmin = 0; % Hour of initialization
Min_min = 0; % Minute of initialization
Smin = 0; % Second of initialization
SPIN_Long = 0; % SPIN-UP duration in Years
% 7 Parameters for Interannual forcing (SODA, ECCO, NCEP, ...)
% Path to Forcing data
Download_data = 1; % Get data from the OPENDAP sites
level = 0; % AGRIF level; 0=parent grid
% Options for make_NCEP
NCEP_dir= [ROMS_files_dir,'NCEP_',ROMS_config,'\']; % NCEP data directory
makefrc = 1; % 1: Create forcing files
makeblk = 1; % 1: Create bulk files
add_tides = 0; % 1: Add the tides (To be done...)
NCEP_version = 1; % NCEP version:
% (1: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, 1/1/1948 - present
% 2: NCEP-DOE Reanalysis, 1/1/1979 - 12/31/2001)
% Options for make_OGCM
OGCM = 'SODA'; % Select the OGCM: SODA, ECCO, ...
OGCM_dir = [ROMS_files_dir,OGCM,ROMS_config,'\']; % OGCM data directory
bry_prefix = [ROMS_files_dir,'roms_bry_',OGCM,'_']; % generic boundary file name
clm_prefix = [ROMS_files_dir,'roms_clm_',OGCM,'_']; % generic climatology file name
ini_prefix = [ROMS_files_dir,'roms_ini_',OGCM,'_']; % generic initial file name
OGCM_prefix = [OGCM,'_']; % generic OGCM file name
rmdepth = 2; % Number of bottom levels to remove
% (This is usefull when there is no valid data at this level
% i.e if the depth in the domain is shallower than the OGCM depth)
% Options for make_QSCAT_daily and make_QSCAT_clim
QSCAT_dir = [FORC_DATA_DIR,'QSCAT_',ROMS_config,'\']; % QSCAT data directory.
QSCAT_frc_prefix = [frc_prefix,'_QSCAT_']; % generic forcing file name
% for interannual roms simulations with QuickCAT.
QSCAT_clim_file = [ROMSTOOLS_dir,'QuikSCAT_clim\',... % QuikSCAT climatology
'']; % file for make_QSCAT_clim.
% 8 Parameters for the forecast system
FRCST_dir = [FORC_DATA_DIR,'Forecast\']; % path to store local OGCM data
FRCST_prefix = [OGCM,'_']; % generic OGCM file name
% 9 Parameters for the diagnostic tools
DIAG_dir = [ROMSTOOLS_dir,'Diagnostic_tools\'];

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Location: University of Texas at Dallas

Re: Problem in make_grid.m routine

#4 Unread post by miguel.solano »

Hi Iassad,
Here are some observations on your romstools_param.m that may be the source of your problem:

I do not know why you specifed this path, but the routine make_grid.m may not find the grid if you save it in another directory. To save yourself some trouble just save it in [ROMS_files_dir,''] as with the forcing and climatology files.
Secondly you have:

Code: Select all

hc =10.;
% Minimum depth at the shore [m] (depends on the resolution,
% rule of thumb: dl=1, hmin=300, dl=1/4, hmin=150, ...)
% This affect the filtering since it works on grad(h)/h.
hmin = 2.;
It is okay to reduce your hmin for simulations near the coastline where depth is small; nevertheless I recommend you follow the thumb rule suggested in the routine. hmin should be about 50 to 75m. If you would like to reduce hmin always remember that hmin > hc, otherwise you will have another error.

You are also missing to specify h_max. In my routine it goes like this:

Code: Select all

hmin = 50;
% Maximum depth at the shore [m] (to prevent the generation
% of too big walls along the coast)
hmax_coast = 1500;
% Maximum depth [m] (cut the topography to prevent
% extrapolations below WOA data)
hmax = 5000;
Finally verify that you have the routines:

coastfileplot = 'coastline_l.mat';
coastfilemask = 'coastline_l_mask.mat';

I ran make_grid with this specifications and it worked for me. Here is my romstools_param.m file:

% romstools_param: common parameter file for the preprocessing
% of ROMS simulations using ROMSTOOLS
% This file is used by make_grid.m, make_forcing.m,
% make_clim.m, make_biol.m, make_bry.m, make_tides.m,
% make_NCEP.m, make_OGCM.m, make_...
% Further Information:
% This file is part of ROMSTOOLS
% ROMSTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
% by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
% or (at your option) any later version.
% ROMSTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
% MA 02111-1307 USA
% Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Patrick Marchesiello and Pierrick Penven
% Updated 6-Sep-2006 by Pierrick Penven
% Updated 2006/10/05 by Pierrick Penven (add tidegauge observations)
% Updated 24-Oct-2006 by Pierrick Penven (diagnostics, chla etc...)
% Updated 08-Apr-2009 by Gildas Cambon
% Updated 23-Oct-2009 by Gildas Cambon
% Updated 17-Nov-2011 by Pierrick Penven (CFSR)
% 1 General parameters
% ROMS title names and directories
ROMS_title = 'Queiroz';
ROMS_config = 'Queiroz';
% ROMSTOOLS directory
ROMSTOOLS_dir = '../';
% Run directory
% ROMS input netcdf files directory
% Global data directory (etopo, coads, datasets download from ftp, etc..)
% Forcing data directory (ncep, quikscat, datasets download with opendap, etc..)
eval(['!mkdir ',ROMS_files_dir])
% ROMS file names (grid, forcing, bulk, climatology, initial)
bioname=[ROMS_files_dir,'']; %Iron Dust forcing
%file with PISCES
oaname =[ROMS_files_dir,'']; % oa file : intermediate file not used
% in roms simulations
Zbryname=[ROMS_files_dir,''];% Zbry file: intermediate file not used
% in roms simulations
frc_prefix=[ROMS_files_dir,'roms_frc']; % generic forcing file name
% for interannual roms simulations (NCEP or GFS)
blk_prefix=[ROMS_files_dir,'roms_blk']; % generic bulk file name
% for interannual roms simulations (NCEP or GFS)
% Objective analysis decorrelation scale [m]
% (if Roa=0: simple extrapolation method; crude but much less costly)
interp_method = 'linear'; % Interpolation method: 'linear' or 'cubic'
makeplot = 1; % 1: create a few graphics after each preprocessing step
% 2 Grid parameters
% used by make_grid.m (and others..)
% Grid dimensions:
lonmin = -39.0; % Minimum longitude [degree east]
lonmax = -38.5; % Maximum longitude [degree east]
latmin = -16.5; % Minimum latitude [degree north]
latmax = -14.5; % Maximum latitude [degree north]
% Grid resolution [degree]
dl = 1/15;
% Number of vertical Levels (! should be the same in param.h !)
N = 15;
% Vertical grid parameters (! should be the same in !)
theta_s = 8.;
theta_b = 0.;
hc = 10.;
% Minimum depth at the shore [m] (depends on the resolution,
% rule of thumb: dl=1, hmin=300, dl=1/4, hmin=150, ...)
% This affect the filtering since it works on grad(h)/h.
hmin = 50;
% Maximum depth at the shore [m] (to prevent the generation
% of too big walls along the coast)
hmax_coast = 1500;
% Maximum depth [m] (cut the topography to prevent
% extrapolations below WOA data)
hmax = 5000;
% Topography netcdf file name (ETOPO 2 or any other netcdf file
% in the same format)
topofile = [DATADIR,'Topo/'];
% Slope parameter (r=grad(h)/h) maximum value for topography smoothing
rtarget = 0.25;
% Number of pass of a selective filter to reduce the isolated
% seamounts on the deep ocean.
% Number of pass of a single hanning filter at the end of the
% smooting procedure to ensure that there is no 2DX noise in the
% topography.
% GSHSS user defined coastline (see m_map)
% XXX_f.mat Full resolution data
% XXX_h.mat High resolution data
% XXX_i.mat Intermediate resolution data
% XXX_l.mat Low resolution data
% XXX_c.mat Crude resolution data
coastfileplot = 'coastline_l.mat';
coastfilemask = 'coastline_l_mask.mat';

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Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:54 pm
Location: COPPE/UFRJ

Re: Problem in make_grid.m routine

#5 Unread post by lassad »

Hi Andres,

I`ve got to run make_grid.m using the roms_param file changes suggested by you but the problem seems to be related not only with these changes but also with the version of my m_map matlab package. The make_grid only worked when I installed a new version of this package.

Thanks again for your help,


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