Bed load transport all zeros!

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Bed load transport all zeros!

#1 Unread post by txu68 »


I have ran a ROMS and SWAN coupled model for an idealized case with sediment module. The model bathymetry is a simple sloping bottom with idealized bars. I have defined the BEDLOAD_SOULSBY cpp option. But the outputs I got for bed load transport are all zeros. Some relevant settings are listed below.

Nbed = 1;
NCS = 1;
NNS = 0;

I have not turned on the morphology change cpp option. In order to investigate this problem, I have followed the source code of sed_bedload.F to calculate the bed load transport based on the latest time stamp and I have got non-zero results. Any ideas?

Any advice will be really appreciated!


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Re: Bed load transport all zeros!

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

the bedload does not move cohesive sed (NCS). It only moves the non cohesive (NNS).

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