A possible bug in get_data.F

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A possible bug in get_data.F

#1 Unread post by okadate »

We found an error (SIGSEGV) when we started to run ./oceanM compiling with Linux-necsx.mk and NLM_DRIVER. The ROMS src is the latest version, ticket#702 (2016/07/15). The roms stopped reading a SSFFILE (nc file for river) in this case.

After we fixed ROMS/Nonlinear/get_data.F below, the case runs without the error.

Code: Select all

!  Point Sources/Sinks time dependent data.
!  Point Source/Sink vertically integrated mass transport.
      IF (LuvSrc(ng).or.LwSrc(ng)) THEN
        CALL get_ngfld (ng, iNLM, idRtra, SSF(ng)%ncid,                 &
     &                  1, SSF(ng), update(1),                          &
     &                  1, Nsrc(ng), 1, 2, 1, Nsrc(ng), 1,              &
     &                  SOURCES(ng) % QbarG(:,1))
        IF (exit_flag.ne.NoError) RETURN
      END IF

Code: Select all

     &                  SOURCES(ng) % QbarG(:,:))
The following files have the similar code:
- ROMS/Adjoint/ad_get_data.F
- ROMS/Representer/rp_get_data.F
- ROMS/Tangent/tl_get_data.F

We didn't find the error when we run ./oceanM compiling with Linux-ifort.mk.
We are not sure if it is a possible bug and just want to share our case.

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Re: A possible bug in get_data.F

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, I can see why some compilers may have problems with this type of syntax. Thank you for reporting this issue. This is now fixed. See following :arrow: trac ticket.

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