Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable TNUDG_SSS

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable TNUDG_SSS

#1 Unread post by vivek »

Dear All,
when i am using CoSINE, along with ROMS physical model, i am getting follwing error. any siggestion please. thanks in advance.

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (8): Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable TNUDG_SSS when it is not allocated

Image PC Routine Line Source 00007FF890090DA3 Unknown Unknown Unknown
oceanG 00000000028027B6 read_phypar_ 2966 read_phypar.f90
oceanG 0000000002435C12 inp_par_ 94 inp_par.f90
oceanG 0000000000406F8E ocean_control_mod 86 ocean_control.f90
oceanG 000000000040676D MAIN__ 95 master.f90
oceanG 000000000040647E Unknown Unknown Unknown 00000030C661ED5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
oceanG 0000000000406389 Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (8): Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable TNUDG_SSS when it is not allocated

Image PC Routine Line Source 00007FD978AFCDA3 Unknown Unknown Unknown
oceanG 00000000028027B6 read_phypar_ 2966 read_phypar.f90
oceanG 0000000002435C12 inp_par_ 94 inp_par.f90
oceanG 0000000000406F8E ocean_control_mod 86 ocean_control.f90
oceanG 000000000040676D MAIN__ 95 master.f90
oceanG 000000000040647E Unknown Unknown Unknown 00000030C661ED5D Unknown Unknown Unknown
oceanG 0000000000406389 Unknown Unknown Unknown

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Re: Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable TNUDG_SSS

#2 Unread post by kate »

Since this is CoSINE, I assume it is my branch. It sounds like you've hit a bug in the implementation of TNUDG_SSS. It looks like something that fell through the cracks in one of Hernan's big updates. In mod_scalars.F after these lines:

Code: Select all

      IF (.not.allocated(Tnudg)) THEN
        allocate ( Tnudg(MT,Ngrids) )
      END IF
simply add another block like:

Code: Select all

      IF (.not.allocated(Tnudg_SSS)) THEN
        allocate ( Tnudg_SSS(Ngrids) )
      END IF
So this brings up why you should post these things to the forum instead of asking me by email. 1. I have been recovering from a wacky hospital stay and haven't yet sorted out all my ROMS issues. One update too many and I went back to a prior (working) code for my day-to-day operations. 2. I can tell everyone that my active development is with COBALT rather than CoSINE, COBALT being in my "master" branch on github. 3. There have been many updates I haven't merged into my code, but have been merged by the USGS COAWST team. A "git log" will show you the state of things. 4. The "master" branch is old enough to not have the Tnudg_SSS bug, but is new enough to be not working in the Arctic, something I will have to fix (it runs for other domains).

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