bulk options

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bulk options

#1 Unread post by pooran »

i turn on follow options:

Code: Select all

# define EMINUSP
# define EMINUSP_SSH
# define ALBEDO
# define CLOUDS
# define COOL_SKIN
!# define ANA_SRFLUX      
!# define LONGWAVE         
and there are cloud fraction, surface air pressure (mb),air temperature at 2m (c),wind,rain fall(kilogram m-2 s-1),solar shortwave radiation flux (w/m2),net longwave radiation flux (w/m2 as force file.
1-ALBEDO and CLOUDS have not seen as activated options in output file. it means that they have not defined or it is common?
2- model SST is understimated. would you please help me how can increae it.

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Re: bulk options

#2 Unread post by kate »

I'm not sure ALBEDO or CLOUDS are doing anything for you in the trunk code. ALBEDO shows up in ana_srflux.h, not in bulk_fluxes.

Can you provide incoming LONGWAVE instead of net? Then you can #define LONGWAVE_OUT based on your SST which will help limit your heat loss.

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Re: bulk options

#3 Unread post by pooran »

Can you provide incoming LONGWAVE instead of net
do you mean downwelling longwave radiation flux?

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Re: bulk options

#4 Unread post by lanerolle »

Yes, look at the LONGWAVE_OUT CPP. It allows to you to input downward longwave radiation flux while calculating the upward longwave radiation flux internally (in bulk_flux.F).

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