PhD position at GFZ Potsdam

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PhD position at GFZ Potsdam

#1 Unread post by jsaynisch »

Section 1.3 “Earth System-Modelling” at GFZ searches for a PhD candidate to work in the project “Detectability of non-tidal ocean signals in Earth's magnetic field (OceanMag)”. The project is part of the DFG priority programme “Study of Earth system dynamics with a constellation of potential field missions” (SPP 1788), which is designed around the ESA multi-satellite mission SWARM. The focus of OceanMag is the interpretation, combination and comparison of ocean generated magnetic signals by employing numerical global ocean circulation models.

numerical modelling of large scale ocean dynamics
simulation and analysis of ocean induced magnetic field variations
advanced comparative analyses of model simulations and SWARM observations
data assimilation

Master’s degree (or equivalent) in physics, mathematics or geosciences
strong mathematical and/or physical background
skills in programming languages and statistical software are an asset
good English skills

For more details see: ... sition-mf/

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