Postdoctoral position, SOCIB, Spain

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Postdoctoral position, SOCIB, Spain

#1 Unread post by mourre »

Post-doctoral physical oceanographer (data analysis and numerical modelling)
SOCIB – Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System, Spain

In the framework of the joint project “MEDCLIC” between Fundació “la Caixa” and the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB), the Modelling and Forecasting Facility at SOCIB is recruiting a post-doctoral fellow in ocean data analysis and numerical ocean circulation modeling. His/her role will be to investigate the interactions between the mesoscale ocean structures and the mean flow in the Western Mediterranean Sea through analysis of satellite and in-situ observations, numerical modelling and reanalysis simulations including data assimilation.

The Western Mediterranean Sea is characterized by an intense mesoscale activity which continuously interacts with the mean basin circulation, for instance by blocking or reducing the intensity of the flows in the narrow channels between the Balearic Islands. For a few years now, SOCIB research vessel and gliders have been monitoring the variability of the transports across key sections in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Concurrently, the Modelling and Forecasting Facility has been developing high-resolution numerical tools based on the ROMS model to simulate the oceanic variability from the (sub-)mesoscale to the basin-scale. The successful candidate will be involved in the variability analysis using both observational and numerical approaches.

We are seeking a highly motivated fellow with a PhD in physical oceanography or related discipline. A proven experience in oceanographic data processing from in-situ and/or remote sensing is essential, as well as some proficiency in numerical ocean modelling. Some previous experience with data assimilation would also be highly valued.
The initial appointment is for one year, with possible extensions on a yearly basis depending on the course of the project. The salary will depend on experience and qualifications.

Interested applicants should send a CV together with a short cover letter to, with copy to
Link to the job offer: → Job opportunities section

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