Tidal Datum Modeling Position

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Tidal Datum Modeling Position

#1 Unread post by arango »

Tidal Datum Modeling

NOAA’s Coast Survey Development Laboratory
Silver Spring, Maryland

The UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs in cooperation with NOAA’s Coast Survey Development Laboratory (CSDL) is seeking applications for a :arrow: tidal datum modeling position. The project objective is to develop digital tidal datum fields for inshore and coastal waters of the U.S. Tidal datum fields are two-dimensional digital representations of the relationship between an astronomical tidal datum such as Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) and mean sea level. The use of vertical datums is necessary when analyzing bathymetric and land elevation data.

The main focus of the project is to develop a set of high-resolution, regional-scale tide models for selected portions of the U.S. shoreline, including such diverse areas such as Charleston Harbor and the Predicted instantaneous water leveling central ChesapeakeStrait of Juan de Fuca. The hydrodynamic modeling approach is to use a two-dimensional, unstructured grid model such as ADCIRC to simulate water levels on a regional scale. The offshore tidal boundary conditions for these models are supplied by either in-house, ocean-scale tide models or data from existing model-based databases. The regional models use a grid with refinements and small cells designed to capture important coastal features down to a few hundred meters. Using these regional-scale models, long time series of tidally-forced water levels are simulated. These time series are then analyzed to extract individual high and low waters, then compute a mean. From these point values the fields for Mean High Water, MLLW, and other tidal datums are constructed. After comparison with datums at water level gauges, the model-generated datum fields may be adjusted by spatial interpolation. When completed, the fields will be transferred to the uniformly gridded database used by the vertical datum transfer software, VDatum, that NOS is constructing. VDatum, which will eventually be needed for all U.S. waters within the EEZ, can then be used to create integrated bathymetric-topographic digital elevation models, assist in processing hydrographic survey data, and for several other types of marine data analysis.

The position will be filled initially by a one-year contract, with the high probability of additional years of support. The successful applicant will work with staff of CSDL in Silver Spring, Maryland, using a variety of techniques to develop tidal datum A sample weighting function for harmonic constants. fields for selected subregions of coastal waters within the U.S. The applicant will use a variety of existing programs and software and will develop new Unix, Linux, Fortran, C, MatLab, and/or IDL software to handle unique problems. Experience working in a parallel programming high performance computing environment is desirable. Work will be performed both by working alone and as a member of a team, using PCs, workstation computers, and/or cluster computers. Results will be written up and may be presented at scientific meetings and workshops.

Qualifications: Candidates should have a M.S. or Ph.D. in ocean or atmospheric sciences with experience in numerical modeling.

Fluency in the Linux and Unix environments is necessary, with expertise in C, FORTRAN, IDL, MATLAB, and HTML desirable. Experience in scientific visualization is necessary as is the ability to work well as a member of a team. Experience in time series and statistical data analysis is required and experience in operational oceanography is desirable.

Visitors to CSDL will be employees of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and subject to and covered by UCAR policies with respect to all personnel matters. The selected candidate will receive a fixed annual salary. The excellent benefits include health and dental insurance, sick and annual leave, paid holidays, mandatory participation in a retirement fund (TIAA/CREF), and life insurance. A relocation allowance is provided as well as an allowance for scientific travel and other support costs.
First consideration will be given to applications received before 30 November, but will remain open for one month or until filled.

How to apply:

Send the following materials to UCAR/VSP:

1. A cover letter identifying this position
2. Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications, technical reports and professional presentations
3. Names and addresses of three professional references (applicants should request letters be sent to UCAR/VSP as soon as possible)
4. Ph.D. or Master’s thesis title(s) and abstract(s)
5. One to two page statement of experience and interests as related to goals of this position

You may send all application materials electronically to vsp@ucar.edu or send hard copy applications and letters of reference to:
UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

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