Postdoc at Los Alamos

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Postdoc at Los Alamos

#1 Unread post by kate »

The Climate, Ocean, and Sea Ice modeling group at LANL is seeking a
postdoctoral candidate in the area of ocean data assimilation. In the
context of multi-year to decadal simulations of ocean
circulation at resolutions that allow for mesoscale eddies, it is
anticipated that with data assimilation, the large scales of the
initial state can be reasonably estimated and that such
initializations may help better represent longer time scale
variability. As part of this effort, the postdoctoral researcher will
assist in the investigation and development of ensemble-based data
assimilation procedures in high resolution ocean simulations. Candidates
should have a strong background either in physical oceanography or in data
assimilation techniques. The successful candidate will be supervised by
Dr. B.T. Nadiga and will benefit from interactions with the climate
modeling groups at LANL and data assimilation and ocean modeling groups at

Please send a letter describing your research interests, a CV and 3
references to and cc to

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