2007 ROMS/TOMS Workshop, Fifth Notice

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2007 ROMS/TOMS Workshop, Fifth Notice

#1 Unread post by robertson »

2007 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop and Community Sediment Transport Modeling (CSTM) Meeting
UCLA, Los Angeles, October 1-5, 2007

Please check the following link for a PDF of the final program.

http://www.myroms.org/Workshops/ROMS200 ... m_2007.pdf

Notice we a map of the UCLA campus to help you get to the conference center, parking and on-campus lunch places.

For those giving a presentation, please check the date and time allocated for your talk. We have 30 and 25 minute talks. These will include time for questions so plan accordingly, leaving around 3 minutes for questions and answers. A copy of the program will be provided during registration. We are requesting a 100 USD registration fee to cover the organization expenses. We will provide a receipt so you can get reimbursed.

Please notice the following chairperson assignments:

Mon, October 1, 08:35-09:55 Christopher R. Sherwood
Mon, October 1, 10:20-12:00 John C. Warner
Mon, October 1, 13:30-14:55 Richard P. Signell
Mon, October 1, 15:20-17:00 James C. McWilliams

Tue, October 2, 08:30-09:55 Hernan G. Arango
Tue, October 2, 10:20-12:00 Bruce D. Cornuelle
Tue, October 2, 13:30-14:50 Arthur J. Miller
Tue, October 2, 11:15-16:30 Alexander F. Shchepetkin

Although not obligatory, we encourage you to use PowerPoint or similar electronic presentation media. Please bring your presentation on a memory stick or CD. Each presentation will be loaded into a single windows based laptop. We ask you to provide your talks during registration or during the breaks before your session.

We would like to post these presentations and posters on the ROMS/TOMS website and prepare a CD for future reference.

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