The Nearshore Processes session at the 2018 Ocean Sciences

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The Nearshore Processes session at the 2018 Ocean Sciences

#1 Unread post by moghimi »

Dear ROMS List members,

We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to the Nearshore Processes session at the upcoming 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting that will be held 11-16 February 2018 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.

*Abstracts submission website:
*Abstracts submission deadline: 6 September 2017, 23:59 EDT
*Nearshore Processes session information:

Session ID: 22658
Session Title: Nearshore Processes
Topic Area: Coastal Dynamics

Session Description: The nearshore region is the transition zone from land to the open ocean.
This region spans drastically different dynamical regimes with varying roles of waves, wind, tides, buoyancy, and morphology. The vulnerability of the coast to sea level rise, extreme storms, and anthropogenic influences is a major societal concern. The nearshore region is further complicated by the interaction and feedback between physical processes and both ecological and biological processes. Abstracts focusing on physical processes occurring in the nearshore region from the subaerial beach to the shelf break are invited. Topics may include: 1) surface and internal wave dynamics, 2) wind-, wave-, and tide-driven circulation, 3) extreme events in the nearshore and river integrated systems, 4) mixing and turbulence, 5) cross-shelf exchange, 6) sediment transport and morphologic evolution, and 7) process-based ecological or biological nearshore interactions. We welcome abstracts describing field observations (both remotely sensed and in-situ), numerical and laboratory modeling, theoretical analysis, and model-data assimilation. The nearshore processes session is an established and well-attended session in which student participation is strongly encouraged.

Best regards,

Mara M. Orescanin, Ph.D
Naval Postgraduate School Oceanography
Monterey, CA, USA

Talea L. Mayo, Ph.D.
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering
University of Central Florida, FL, USA

Saeed Moghimi, Ph.D.
NOAA Coast Survey Development Laboratory
Silver Spring, MD, USA

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