OS 2012 session on biogeochemical data assimilation

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OS 2012 session on biogeochemical data assimilation

#1 Unread post by kfennel »

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to our session on biogeochemical modelling and data assimilation at the 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting (20-24 February 2012, Salt Lake City):

041: Methods and Applications of Data Assimilation for Ocean Biogeochemistry

Organizers: Katja Fennel, Dalhousie University, katja.fennel@dal.ca; Micheal Dowd, Dalhousie University, mdowd@mathstat.dal.ca; Richard Matear, CSIRO, Richard.Matear@csiro.au

The quantity and diversity of data available for monitoring ocean biogeochemical variables is rapidly increasing as new sensor technologies and observational platforms are deployed. A major challenge is the development of new analysis methods for these complex spatio-temporal data types that yield information not just about the ocean state, but also the underlying dynamical processes. Model-data fusion (or Data Assimilation) algorithms provide an attractive approach to exploit these new data streams within a robust statistical framework. This session invites contributions on biogeochemical data assimilation methods and applications that characterize the biogeochemical state; provide new ways to determine biogeochemical parameters; elucidate the processes driving biogeochemical variability and changes in the ocean; or provide guidance to observing strategies for biogeochemical fields. (4, 13, 16, 18)


The deadline for abstract submissions is 7 October.

With best regards,
Katja Fennel,
Mike Dowd and
Richard Matear

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