Currents unrealistically fast

Discussion of how to use ROMS on different regional and basin scale applications.

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Currents unrealistically fast

#1 Unread post by GraceR »

Dear all,

I'm pretty new to ROMs and I'm setting up an experiment over the ocean north of Scotland. My model runs for a few months then crashes, but I think the problem which eventually causes the crash is present from the beginning of the run.

My surface currents are reaching values of 8 m/s in some parts of the domain. My initial conditions look sensible to me, with maximum u and v values of 0.7 m/s, but by the 10th time step, the currents have already increased to >5 m/s.

I have checked my ocean, atmospheric and boundary forcing files and nothing looks obviously wrong. I tried a test run where I applied atmospheric u and v at 10% of their actual value, this brought down the current speed a lot, with maximum values of ~1.5 m/s. However, my 10m winds are pretty sensible speeds (up to 20 m/s).

Unless I've missed something in my forcing files, this leads me to think that the problem must be somewhere in my model configuration, or an error in my file. I'm not exactly sure what I should be looking for, any ideas of where I may be going wrong would be greatly appreciated. Please see below for edited contents of my file:

! Number of nested grids.

Ngrids = 1

! Number of grid nesting layers. This parameter is used to allow refinement
! and composite grid combinations.

NestLayers = 1

! Number of grids in each nesting layer [1:NestLayers].

GridsInLayer = 1

! Grid dimension parameters. See notes below in the Glossary for how to set
! these parameters correctly.

Lm == 153 ! Number of I-direction INTERIOR RHO-points
Mm == 146 ! Number of J-direction INTERIOR RHO-points
N == 35 ! Number of vertical levels
ND == 0 ! Number of wave directional bins

Nbed = 0 ! Number of sediment bed layers

NAT = 2 ! Number of active tracers (usually, 2)
NPT = 0 ! Number of inactive passive tracers
NCS = 0 ! Number of cohesive (mud) sediment tracers
NNS = 0 ! Number of non-cohesive (sand) sediment tracers

LBC(isFsur) == Clo Clo Cha Clo ! free-surface
LBC(isUbar) == Clo Clo Fla Clo ! 2D U-momentum
LBC(isVbar) == Clo Clo Fla Clo ! 2D V-momentum
LBC(isUvel) == Clo Clo RadNud Clo ! 3D U-momentum
LBC(isVvel) == Clo Clo RadNud Clo ! 3D V-momentum
LBC(isMtke) == Clo Clo Gra Clo ! mixing TKE

LBC(isTvar) == Clo Clo RadNud Clo \ ! temperature
Clo Clo RadNud Clo ! salinity

! Wec boundary conditions

LBC(isU2Sd) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D U-stokes
LBC(isV2Sd) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D V-stokes
LBC(isU3Sd) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D U-stokes
LBC(isV3Sd) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D V-stokes

! Ice boundary conditions

LBC(isAice) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! ice concentration
LBC(isHice) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! ice thickness
LBC(isHsno) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! snow thickness
LBC(isTice) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! ice temperature
LBC(isSfwat)== Clo Clo Clo Clo ! surface water
LBC(isSig11)== Clo Clo Clo Clo ! sigma-11
LBC(isSig12)== Clo Clo Clo Clo ! sigma-12
LBC(isSig22)== Clo Clo Clo Clo ! sigma-22
LBC(isUice) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! ice U-momentum
LBC(isVice) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! ice V-momentum

! Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary
! conditions keywords.

ad_LBC(isFsur) == Gra Clo Gra Gra ! free-surface
ad_LBC(isUbar) == Gra Clo Gra Red ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVbar) == Gra Clo Gra Red ! 2D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isUvel) == Gra Clo Gra Gra ! 3D U-momentum
ad_LBC(isVvel) == Gra Clo Gra Gra ! 3D V-momentum
ad_LBC(isMtke) == Gra Clo Gra Gra ! mixing TKE

ad_LBC(isTvar) == Gra Clo Gra Gra \ ! temperature
Gra Clo Gra Gra ! salinity

! Set lateral open boundary edge volume conservation switch for
! nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms. Usually activated
! with radiation boundary conditions to enforce global mass
! conservation, except if tidal forcing is enabled. [1:Ngrids].

VolCons(west) == F ! western boundary
VolCons(east) == F ! eastern boundary
VolCons(south) == F ! southern boundary
VolCons(north) == F ! northern boundary

ad_VolCons(west) == F ! western boundary
ad_VolCons(east) == F ! eastern boundary
ad_VolCons(south) == F ! southern boundary
ad_VolCons(north) == F ! northern boundary

! Time-Stepping parameters.

NTIMES == 964800 !89280x30s time step = 31 days GR
DT == 30.0d0

! Model iteration loops parameters.

ERstr = 1
ERend = 1
Nouter = 1
Ninner = 1
Nintervals = 1

! Number of eigenvalues (NEV) and eigenvectors (NCV) to compute for the
! Lanczos/Arnoldi problem in the Generalized Stability Theory (GST)
! analysis. NCV must be greater than NEV (see documentation below).

NEV = 2 ! Number of eigenvalues
NCV = 10 ! Number of eigenvectors

! Input/Output parameters.

NRREC == 0
LcycleRST == T
NRST == 2880
NSTA == 20
NFLT == 20
NINFO == 1

! Output history, average, diagnostic files parameters.

NHIS == 360 ! 360 3hrly with 30s time step
NDEFHIS == 2880 ! 2880
NAVG == 2880
NDEFAVG == 86400
NDIA == 540

! Output tangent linear and adjoint models parameters.

LcycleTLM == F
NTLM == 72
LcycleADJ == F
NADJ == 72
NSFF == 72
NOBC == 72

! GST output and check pointing restart parameters.

LmultiGST = F ! one eigenvector per file
LrstGST = F ! GST restart switch
MaxIterGST = 500 ! maximum number of iterations
NGST = 10 ! check pointing interval

! Relative accuracy of the Ritz values computed in the GST analysis.

Ritz_tol = 1.0d-15

! Harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids].

TNU2 == 1.0d+1 1.0d+1 ! m2/s
TNU4 == 1.0d+10 ! m4/s

ad_TNU2 == 0.0d0 0.0d0 ! m2/s
ad_TNU4 == 0.0d0 0.0d0 ! m4/s

! Harmonic/biharmonic, horizontal viscosity coefficient for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [Ngrids].

VISC2 == 0.0001d0 ! m2/s
VISC4 == 1.0d+12 ! m4/s

ad_VISC2 == 0.0d0 ! m2/s
ad_VISC4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to increase/decrease horizontal viscosity
! and/or diffusivity in specific areas of the application domain (like
! sponge areas) for the desired application grid.

LuvSponge == F ! horizontal momentum
LtracerSponge == F F ! temperature, salinity, inert

! Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and
! basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids]

AKT_BAK == 1.0d-6 1.0d-6 1.0d-6 1.0d-6 ! m2/s

ad_AKT_fac == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! nondimensional

! Vertical mixing coefficient for momentum for nonlinear model and
! basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms: [Ngrids].

AKV_BAK == 1.0d-5 1.0d-5 ! m2/s

ad_AKV_fac == 1.0d0 ! nondimensional

! Turbulent closure parameters.

AKK_BAK == 5.0d-6 ! m2/s
AKP_BAK == 5.0d-6 ! m2/s
TKENU2 == 0.0d0 ! m2/s
TKENU4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s

! Generic length-scale turbulence closure parameters.

GLS_P == 2.0d0 ! K-epsilon
GLS_M == 1.0d0
GLS_N == -0.67d0
GLS_Kmin == 1.0d-8
GLS_Pmin == 1.0d-8

GLS_CMU0 == 0.5544d0
GLS_C1 == 1.00d0
GLS_C2 == 1.22d0
GLS_C3M == 0.1d0
GLS_C3P == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGK == 0.8d0
GLS_SIGP == 1.07d0

! Constants used in surface turbulent kinetic energy flux computation.

CHARNOK_ALPHA == 1400.0d0 ! Charnok surface roughness
ZOS_HSIG_ALPHA == 0.5d0 ! roughness from wave amplitude
SZ_ALPHA == 0.25d0 ! roughness from wave dissipation
CRGBAN_CW == 100.0d0 ! Craig and Banner wave breaking
WEC_ALPHA == 0.0d0 ! 0: all wave dissip goes to break and none to roller.
! 1: all wave dissip goes to roller and none to breaking.

! Constants used in momentum stress computation.

RDRG == 3.0d-04 ! m/s
RDRG2 == 1.0d-03 ! nondimensional
Zob == 0.03d0 ! m
Zos == 0.02d0 ! m

! Height (m) of atmospheric measurements for Bulk fluxes parameterization.

BLK_ZQ == 2.0d0 ! air humidity
BLK_ZT == 2.0d0 ! air temperature
BLK_ZW == 10.0d0 ! winds

! Minimum depth for wetting and drying.

DCRIT == 0.10d0 ! m

! Various parameters.

WTYPE == 1

! Set vertical, terrain-following coordinates transformation equation and
! stretching function (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].

Vtransform == 2 ! transformation equation
Vstretching == 2 ! stretching function

! Vertical S-coordinates parameters (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].

THETA_S == 10.0d0 ! surface stretching parameter
THETA_B == 2.0d0 ! bottom stretching parameter
TCLINE == 400.0d0 ! critical depth (m)

! Mean Density and Brunt-Vaisala frequency.

RHO0 = 1025.0d0 ! kg/m3
BVF_BAK = 1.0d-4 ! 1/s2

! Time-stamp assigned for model initialization, reference time
! origin for tidal forcing, and model reference time for output
! NetCDF units attribute.

DSTART = 31.0d0 ! days
TIDE_START = 31.0d0 ! days
TIME_REF = 20000101.0d0 ! yyyymmdd.dd edited GR 16/12/15 19000101. 0d0

! Nudging/relaxation time scales, inverse scales will be computed
! internally, [1:Ngrids].

TNUDG == 90.0d0 ! days
ZNUDG == 90.0d0 ! days
M2NUDG == 90.0d0 ! days
M3NUDG == 90.0d0 ! days

! Factor between passive (outflow) and active (inflow) open boundary
! conditions, [1:Ngrids]. If OBCFAC > 1, nudging on inflow is stronger
! than on outflow (recommended).

OBCFAC == 120.0d0 ! nondimensional

! Linear equation of State parameters:

R0 == 1027.0d0 ! kg/m3
T0 == 10.0d0 ! Celsius
S0 == 35.0d0 ! nondimensional
TCOEF == 1.7d-4 ! 1/Celsius
SCOEF == 7.6d-4 ! nondimensional

! Slipperiness parameter: 1.0 (free slip) or -1.0 (no slip)

GAMMA2 == -1.0d0

! Stochastic Optimals time decorrelation scale (days) assumed for
! red noise processes.

SO_decay == 2.0d0 ! days

! Stochastic Optimals surface forcing standard deviation for
! dimensionalization.

SO_sdev(isFsur) == 1.0d0 ! free-surface
SO_sdev(isUbar) == 1.0d0 ! 2D U-momentum
SO_sdev(isVbar) == 1.0d0 ! 2D V-momentum
SO_sdev(isUvel) == 1.0d0 ! 3D U-momentum
SO_sdev(isVvel) == 1.0d0 ! 3D V-momentum
SO_sdev(isTvar) == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! NT tracers

SO_sdev(isUstr) == 1.0d0 ! surface U-stress
SO_sdev(isVstr) == 1.0d0 ! surface V-stress
SO_sdev(isTsur) == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! NT surface tracers flux

! Generic User parameters, [1:NUSER].

USER = 0.d0

! NetCDF-4/HDF5 compression parameters for output files.

NC_SHUFFLE = 1 ! if non-zero, turn on shuffle filter
NC_DEFLATE = 1 ! if non-zero, turn on deflate filter
NC_DLEVEL = 1 ! deflate level [0-9]

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Re: Currents unrealistically fast

#2 Unread post by kate »

Can you show us the cpp options you used? Also, get the model to output computed wind stresses.

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Re: Currents unrealistically fast

#3 Unread post by GraceR »

Just about to set of a run to output wind stresses, The options I used were:

** Options for FSC model.
** Application flag: FSC
** Input script:
/* Definition of the model name */
#if defined FSC
/* Model used */
#define ROMS_MODEL /* Use of ROMS model turn ON */
#undef SWAN_MODEL /* Use of SWAN model turn OFF */
#undef WRF_MODEL /* Use of WRF model turn OFF */
/* Coupling parameters */
#undef MCT_LIB /* Coupling turn OFF */
#undef MCT_INTERP_WV2AT /* Grid interpolation between wave and atmosphere models turn OFF */
#undef MCT_INTERP_OC2AT /* Grid interpolation between ocean and atmosphere models turn OFF */
#undef MCT_INTERP_OC2WV /* Grid interpolation between wave and ocean models turn OFF */
/* Ocean to wave */
#undef UV_KIRBY /* Depth average current from the ocean to the wave model turn OFF */
#undef UV_CONST /* Send U=0 from the ocean to the wave model turn OFF */
#undef ZETA_CONST /* Send h=0 from the ocean to the wave model turn OFF */
/* Wave to ocean: wave roughness in bulk fluxes */
#undef COARE_TAYLOR_YELLAND /* Taylor and Yelland (2001) relation */
#undef COARE_OOST /* Oost et al (2002) relation */
#undef DEEPWATER_WAVES /* Deep water waves approximation */
/* Wave to ocean: radiation stresses */
#undef NEARSHORE_MELLOR /* Radiation stress terms from the wave to the ocean model turn OFF */
/* Wave to ocean: bottom boundary closure */
/* Meinte Blass */
#undef MB_BBL /* Meinte Blaas BBL closure turn OFF */
#undef MB_CALC_ZNOT /* Computing bottom roughness internally turn OFF */
#undef MB_CALC_UB /* Computing bottom orbital velocity internally turn OFF */
#undef MB_Z0BIO /* Biogenic bedform roughness for ripples turn OFF */
#undef MB_Z0BL /* Bedload roughness for ripples turn OFF */
#undef MB_Z0RIP /* Bedform roughness for ripples turn OFF */
/* Styles and Glenn (2000)*/
#undef SG_BBL /* Styles and Glenn (2000) BBL closure turn OFF */
#undef SG_CALC_ZNOT /* Computing bottom roughness internally turn OFF */
#undef SG_CALC_UB /* Computing bottom orbital velocity internally turn OFF */
#undef SG_LOGINT /* Logarithmic interpolation of (Ur,Vr) turn OFF */
/* Sherwood/Signell/Warner */
#undef SSW_BBL /* Sherwood et al. BBL closure turn OFF */
#undef SSW_CALC_ZNOT /* Computing bottom roughness internally turn OFF */
#undef SSW_LOGINT /* Logarithmic interpolation of (Ur,Vr) turn OFF */
#undef SSW_CALC_UB /* Computing bottom orbital velocity internally turn OFF */
#undef SSW_FORM_DRAG_COR /* Activate form drag coefficient turn OFF */
#undef SSW_Z0BIO /* Biogenic bedform roughness from ripples turn OFF */
#undef SSW_Z0BL /* Bedload roughness for ripples turn OFF */
#undef SSW_Z0RIP /* Bedform roughness from ripples turn OFF */
/* Grid nesting parameters */
#undef REFINED_GRID /* Grid refinement in ROMS or/and SWAN turn ON */
#undef REFINED_GRID_BC /* Computation of the BC's on the refined grid in ROMS from parent data turn OFF */
/* Physical and model parameters */
/* Momentum Equation */
#define UV_ADV /* Advection turn ON */
#define UV_COR /* Coriolis turn ON */
#define UV_QDRAG /* Quadratic bottom friction turn ON */
#undef UV_LOGDRAG /* Logarithmic bottom friction turn OFF */
#undef UV_LDRAG /* Linear bottom friction turn OFF */
#define DRAG_LIMITER /* ask Paul about this option */
#define UV_VIS2 /* Harmonic horizontal mixing turn ON */
#undef UV_VIS4 /* Biharmonic horizontal mixing turn OFF */
#undef UV_C2ADVECTION /* 2nd-order centered advection turn OFF */
#undef UV_C4ADVECTION /* 4th-order centered advection turn OFF */
#define UV_C4VADVECTION /* 4th-order centered vertical advection turn ON */
#undef UV_SADVECTION /* Splines vertical advection turn OFF */
#undef UV_PSOURCE /* Horizontal point Sources/Sinks turn ON */
/* Tracers equations */
#undef TS_A4HADVECTION /* 4th-order Akima horizontal advection turn OFF */
#undef TS_C2HADVECTION /* 2nd-order centered horizontal advection turn OFF */
#undef TS_C4HADVECTION /* 4th-order centered horizontal advection turn ON */
#define TS_MPDATA /* Recursive MPDATA 3D advection turn ON */
#undef TS_U3HADVECTION /* 3rd-order upstream horiz. advection turn OFF */
#undef TS_SMAGORINSKY /**/
#undef TS_A4VADVECTION /* 4th-order Akima vertical advection turn OFF */
#undef TS_C2VADVECTION /* 2nd-order centered vertical advection turn OFF */
#undef TS_C4VADVECTION /* 4th-order centered vertical advection turn ON */
#undef TS_SVADVECTION /* Splines vertical advection turn OFF */
#undef TS_DIF2 /* Harmonic horizontal mixing turn ON */
#undef TS_DIF4 /* Biharmonic horizontal mixing turn OFF */
#undef TS_FIXED /* Diagnostic run, no evolution of tracers turn OFF */
#undef T_PASSIVE /* Inert passive tracers (dyes, etc) turn OFF */
#define SALINITY /* Salinity turn ON */
#define NONLIN_EOS /* Nonlinear equation of state turn ON*/
/*#define QCORRECTION edited GR 19/10/15 */ /* Net heat flux correction turn OFF */
#undef SCORRECTION /* Freshwater flux correction turn OFF */
#define SOLAR_SOURCE /* Solar radiation source term turn ON */
#undef SRELAXATION /* Salinity relaxation as a freshwater flux turn OFF */
#undef TS_PSOURCE /* Point Sources/Sinks turn ON */
/* Pressure Gradient */
#define DJ_GRADPS /* Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2000) turn ON */
#undef WJ_GRADP /* Weighted density Jacobian (Song,1998) turn OFF */
#undef PJ_GRADP /* Finite volume Pressure Jacobian (Lin,1997) turn OFF */
#undef PJ_GRADPQ2 /* Quartic 2 Pressure Jacobian (Shchepetkin,2000) turn OFF */
#undef PJ_GRADPQ4 /* Quartic 4 Pressure Jacobian (Shchepetkin,2000) turn OFF */
#undef ATM_PRESS /* Atmospheric pressure impose onto sea surface turn OFF */
/* Model configuration */
#define SOLVE3D /* 3D primitive equations solved turn ON */
#define CURVGRID /* Curvilinear coordinates grid turn ON */
#define MASKING /* Land/sea masking turn ON */
#undef BODYFORCE /* Stresses applied as a body force turn OFF */
#undef PROFILE /* Time profiling turn OFF */
#define AVERAGES /* Time-averaged data writing out turn ON */
#undef AVERAGES_AKV /* Time-averaged AKv writing out turn OFF */
#undef AVERAGES_AKT /* Time-averaged AKt writing out turn OFF */
#undef AVERAGES_AKS /* Time-averaged AKs writing out turn OFF */
#undef AVERAGES_BEDLOAD /* Time-averaged bed load writing out turn OFF */
#undef AVERAGES_FLUXES /* Time-averaged fluxes writing out turn OFF */
#undef AVERAGES_NEARSHORE /* Time-averaged nearshore stresses writing out turn OFF */
#undef AVERAGES_QUADRATIC /* Quadratic terms writing out turn OFF */
#undef DIAGNOSTICS_BIO /* Biological diagnostics writing out turn OFF */
#undef DIAGNOSTICS_UV /* Momentum diagnostics writing out turn OFF */
#undef DIAGNOSTICS_TS /* Tracer diagnostics writing out turn OFF */
#undef ICESHELF /* Ice shelf cavities turn OFF */
#undef SPHERICAL /* Analytical spherical grid turn OFF */
#define SPLINES /* Parabolic splines reconstruction of vertical derivatives turn ON */
/* Horizontal mixing of momentum */
#undef VISC_GRID /* Scale viscosity coefficient by grid size turn OFF */
#define MIX_S_UV /* Mixing along constant S-surfaces turn ON */
#undef MIX_GEO_UV /* Mixing along geopotential (constant Z) surfaces turn OFF*/
/* Paul Version - must ask him */
#undef DIFF_3DCOEF
#define VISC_3DCOEF
/* Horizontal mixing of tracers */
#undef DIFF_GRID /* Scale diffusion coefficients by grid size turn OFF */
#define MIX_S_TS /* Mixing along constant S-surfaces turn ON */
#undef MIX_GEO_TS /* Mixing along geopotential (constant depth) surfaces turn OFF */
#undef MIX_ISO_TS /* Mixing along epineutral (constant density) surfaces turn OFF */
/* Vertical mixing of momentum and tracers */
#undef BVF_MIXING /* Brunt-Vaisala frequency mixing turn OFF */

#define GLS_MIXING /* Generic Length-Scale mixing turn ON */
#undef CANUTO_A /* Canuto A-stability function formulation turn OFF */
#undef CANUTO_B /* Canuto B-stability function formulation turn OFF */
#undef CHARNOK /* Charnok surface roughness from wind stress turn OFF */
#undef CRAIG_BANNER /* Craig and Banner wave breaking surface flux turn OFF */
#undef KANTHA_CLAYSON /* Kantha and Clayson stability function turn OFF */
#undef K_C2ADVECTION /* 2nd-order centered advection turn OFF */
#undef K_C4ADVECTION /* 4th-order centered advection turn OFF */
#define N2S2_HORAVG /* Horizontal smoothing of buoyancy/shear turn ON */
#undef ZOS_HSIG /* Surface roughness from wave amplitude turn OFF */
#undef TKE_WAVEDISS /* Wave breaking surface flux from wave amplitude turn OFF */

#undef MY25_MIXING /* Mellor/Yamada Level-2.5 closure turn OFF */
#ifdef MY25_MIXING
#undef N2S2_HORAVG /* Horizontal smoothing of buoyancy/shear turn OFF */
#undef KANTHA_CLAYSON /* Kantha and Clayson stability function turn OFF */
#undef K_C2ADVECTION /* 2nd-order centered advection turn OFF */
#undef K_C4ADVECTION /* 4th-order centered advection turn OFF */

#undef LMD_MIXING /* Large et al. (1994) K-profile vertical parameterization turn ON */
#define LMD_RIMIX /* Add diffusivity due to shear instability turn ON */
#define LMD_CONVEC /* Add convective mixing due to shear instability turn ON */
#define LMD_SKPP /* Surface boundary layer KPP mixing turn ON */
#define LMD_BKPP /* Bottom boundary layer KPP mixing turn ON */
#define LMD_NONLOCAL /* Nonlocal transport turn ON */
#define LMD_DDMIX /* Add double-diffusive mixing turn ON */
#undef LMD_SHAPIRO /* Shapiro filtering boundary layer depth turn OFF */
/* Richardson number smoothing */
#undef RI_HORAVG /* Horizontal Richardson number smoothing */
#undef RI_VERAVG /* Vertical Richardson number smoothing */
/* Boundary conditions */
#undef EASTERN_WALL /* Eastern boundary defined as a wall turn OFF */
#undef NORTHERN_WALL /* Northern boundary defined as a wall turn OFF */
#undef WESTERN_WALL /* Western boundary defined as open turn OFF */
#undef SOUTHERN_WALL /* Southern boundary defined as open turn OFF */
/* Mass conservation at the open boundary */
#undef EAST_VOLCONS /* Eastern edge mass conservation enforcement turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_VOLCONS /* Northern edge mass conservation enforcement turn OFF */
#undef WEST_VOLCONS /* Western edge mass conservation enforcement turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_VOLCONS /* Southern edge mass conservation enforcement turn OFF */
/* Periodic boundary conditions */
#undef EW_PERIODIC /* East-West periodic boundaries turn OFF */
#undef NS_PERIODIC /* North-South periodic boundaries turn OFF */
/* Open boundary conditions */
#define RADIATION_2D /* Tangential phase speed in radiation conditions turn ON */
#define SPONGE /* Enhanced viscosity/diffusion areas turn ON */
#define EAST_FSCHAPMAN /* Free-surface Chapman condition turn ON */
#undef EAST_FSGRADIENT /* Free-surface gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_FSRADIATION /* Free-surface radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_FSNUDGING /* Free-surface passive/active nudging turn OFF */
#undef EAST_FSCLAMPED /* Free-surface clamped condition turn OFF */
#define EAST_M2FLATHER /* 2D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#undef EAST_M2GRADIENT /* 2D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_M2RADIATION /* 2D momentum radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_M2REDUCED /* 2D momentum reduced-physics turn OFF */
#undef EAST_M2NUDGING /* 2D momentum passive/active nudging term turn OFF */
#undef EAST_M2CLAMPED /* 2D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define EAST_M3RADIATION /* 3D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#define EAST_M3NUDGING /* 3D momentum passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef EAST_M3GRADIENT /* 3D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_M3CLAMPED /* 3D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define EAST_TRADIATION /* Tracers radiation condition turn ON */
#define EAST_TNUDGING /* Tracers passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef EAST_TCLAMPED /* Tracers clamped condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_TGRADIENT /* Tracers gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_KGRADIENT /* TKE fields gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef EAST_KRADIATION /* TKE fields radiation condition turn OFF */
#define WEST_FSCHAPMAN /* Free-surface Chapman condition turn ON */
#undef WEST_FSGRADIENT /* Free-surface gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_FSRADIATION /* Free-surface radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_FSNUDGING /* Free-surface passive/active nudging turn OFF */
#undef WEST_FSCLAMPED /* Free-surface clamped condition turn OFF */
#define WEST_M2FLATHER /* 2D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#undef WEST_M2GRADIENT /* 2D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_M2RADIATION /* 2D momentum radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_M2REDUCED /* 2D momentum reduced-physics turn OFF */
#undef WEST_M2NUDGING /* 2D momentum passive/active nudging term turn OFF */
#undef WEST_M2CLAMPED /* 2D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define WEST_M3RADIATION /* 3D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#define WEST_M3NUDGING /* 3D momentum passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef WEST_M3GRADIENT /* 3D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_M3CLAMPED /* 3D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define WEST_TRADIATION /* Tracers radiation condition turn ON */
#define WEST_TNUDGING /* Tracers passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef WEST_TCLAMPED /* Tracers clamped condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_TGRADIENT /* Tracers gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_KGRADIENT /* TKE fields gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef WEST_KRADIATION /* TKE fields radiation condition turn OFF */
#define NORTH_FSCHAPMAN /* Free-surface Chapman condition turn ON */
#undef NORTH_FSGRADIENT /* Free-surface gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_FSRADIATION /* Free-surface radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_FSNUDGING /* Free-surface passive/active nudging turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_FSCLAMPED /* Free-surface clamped condition turn OFF */
#define NORTH_M2FLATHER /* 2D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#undef NORTH_M2GRADIENT /* 2D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_M2RADIATION /* 2D momentum radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_M2REDUCED /* 2D momentum reduced-physics turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_M2NUDGING /* 2D momentum passive/active nudging term turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_M2CLAMPED /* 2D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define NORTH_M3RADIATION /* 3D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#define NORTH_M3NUDGING /* 3D momentum passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef NORTH_M3GRADIENT /* 3D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_M3CLAMPED /* 3D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define NORTH_TRADIATION /* Tracers radiation condition turn ON */
#define NORTH_TNUDGING /* Tracers passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef NORTH_TCLAMPED /* Tracers clamped condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_TGRADIENT /* Tracers gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_KGRADIENT /* TKE fields gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef NORTH_KRADIATION /* TKE fields radiation condition turn OFF */
#define SOUTH_FSCHAPMAN /* Free-surface Chapman condition turn ON */
#undef SOUTH_FSGRADIENT /* Free-surface gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_FSRADIATION /* Free-surface radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_FSNUDGING /* Free-surface passive/active nudging turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_FSCLAMPED /* Free-surface clamped condition turn OFF */
#define SOUTH_M2FLATHER /* 2D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#undef SOUTH_M2GRADIENT /* 2D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_M2RADIATION /* 2D momentum radiation condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_M2REDUCED /* 2D momentum reduced-physics turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_M2NUDGING /* 2D momentum passive/active nudging term turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_M2CLAMPED /* 2D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define SOUTH_M3RADIATION /* 3D momentum Flather condition turn ON */
#define SOUTH_M3NUDGING /* 3D momentum passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef SOUTH_M3GRADIENT /* 3D momentum gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_M3CLAMPED /* 3D momentum clamped condition turn OFF */
#define SOUTH_TRADIATION /* Tracers radiation condition turn ON */
#define SOUTH_TNUDGING /* Tracers passive/active nudging term turn ON */
#undef SOUTH_TCLAMPED /* Tracers clamped condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_TGRADIENT /* Tracers gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_KGRADIENT /* TKE fields gradient condition turn OFF */
#undef SOUTH_KRADIATION /* TKE fields radiation condition turn OFF */
/* Analytical solutions */
#undef ANA_BIOLOGY /* Analytical biology initial conditions turn OFF */
#undef ANA_BPFLUX /* Analytical bottom passive tracers fluxes turn OFF */
#define ANA_BSFLUX /* Analytical bottom salinity flux turn ON */
#define ANA_BTFLUX /* Analytical bottom temperature flux turn ON */
#undef ANA_CLOUD /* Analytical cloud fraction turn OFF */
#undef ANA_DIAG /* Customized diagnostics turn OFF */
#undef ANA_FSOBC /* Analytical free-surface boundary conditions turn OFF */
#undef ANA_GRID /* Analytical model grid set-up turn OFF */
#undef ANA_HUMIDITY /* Analytical surface air humidity turn OFF */
#undef ANA_INITIAL /* Analytical initial conditions turn OFF */
#undef ANA_M2CLIMA /* Analytical 2D momentum climatology turn OFF */
#undef ANA_M2OBC /* Analytical 2D momentum boundary conditions turn OFF */
#undef ANA_M3CLIMA /* Analytical 3D momentum climatology turn OFF */
#undef ANA_M3OBC /* Analytical 3D momentum boundary conditions turn OFF */
#undef ANA_MASK /* Analytical Land/Sea masking turn OFF */
#undef ANA_PAIR /* Analytical surface air pressure turn OFF */
#undef ANA_PASSIVE /* Analytical initial conditions for inert tracers turn OFF */
#undef ANA_PERTURB /* Analytical perturbation of initial conditions turn OFF */
#undef ANA_PSOURCE /* Analytical point Sources/Sinks turn OFF */
#undef ANA_RAIN /* Analytical rain fall rate turn OFF */
#undef ANA_SEDIMENT /* Analytical sediment initial fields turn OFF */
#undef ANA_SMFLUX /* Analytical surface momentum stress turn OFF */
#define ANA_SPFLUX /* Analytical surface passive tracers fluxes turn OFF */
#undef ANA_SPINNING /* Analytical time-varying rotation force turn OFF */
#define ANA_SSFLUX /* Analytical surface salinity flux turn ON */
#undef ANA_SSH /* Analytical sea surface height*/
#undef ANA_SSS /* Analytical sea surface salinity*/
#undef ANA_SST /* Analytical SST and dQdSST*/
#define ANA_STFLUX /* Analytical surface temperature flux turn ON */
#undef ANA_TAIR /* Analytical surface air temperature turn OFF */
#undef ANA_TCLIMA /* Analytical tracers climatology turn OFF */
#undef ANA_TOBC /* Analytical tracers boundary conditions turn OFF */
#undef ANA_VMIX /* Analytical vertical mixing coefficients turn OFF */
#undef ANA_WINDS /* Analytical surface winds turn OFF */
#undef ANA_WWAVE /* Analytical wind induced waves turn OFF */
#undef ANA_DEWT
#undef ANA_SLP
/* Definition of the Climatology */
#define M2CLIMATOLOGY /* 2D momentum climatology turn ON */
#define M3CLIMATOLOGY /* 3D momentum climatology turn ON */
#define TCLIMATOLOGY /* Tracers climatology turn ON */
#define ZCLIMATOLOGY /* SSH climatology turn ON */
/* Nudge climatology data on sponge areas */
#undef M2CLM_NUDGING /* Nudging 2D momentum climatology turn ON */
#define M3CLM_NUDGING /* Nudging 3D momentum climatology turn ON */
#define TCLM_NUDGING /* Nudging tracers climatology turn ON */
#undef ZCLM_NUDGING /* Nudging SSH climatology turn ON */
/* Definition of the tide */
#define SSH_TIDES /* Computation of tidal elevation turn ON */
#define UV_TIDES /* Computation of tidal currents turn ON */
#define ADD_FSOBC /* Add tidal elevation to processed OBC data turn ON */
#define ADD_M2OBC /* Add tidal currents to processed OBC data turn ON */
#undef RAMP_TIDES /* Spin up tidal forcing turn OFF */
#undef FSOBC_REDUCED /* SSH data and reduced physics conditions turn OFF */
/* Definition of the Atmosphere Boundary Layer */
#undef ERA40
#undef ICE_MODEL
#define BULK_FLUXES /* Bulk fluxes computation turn ON */
# ifdef ICE_MODEL
# endif
#define EMINUSP /* E-P computation */
#define ALBEDO /* Albedo equation used for shortwave radiation turn ON */
#undef DIURNAL_SRFLUX /* Shortwave radiation imposed local diurnal cycle turn OFF */
# ifdef ERA40
# define CLOUDS
# define LONGWAVE /* Computing net longwave radiation turn ON */
# define COOL_SKIN /* Cool skin correction turn ON */
# define ANA_SRFLUX /* Analytical surface shortwave radiation flux turn ON */
# define SHORTWAVE
# else
# define CLOUDS
# define LONGWAVE_OUT /* Computing outgoing longwave radiation */
# define COOL_SKIN /* Cool skin correction turn ON */
# undef ANA_SRFLUX /* Analytical surface shortwave radiation flux turn OFF */
# define SHORTWAVE
# endif
#undef RUNOFF
#undef SLP_GRAD
#undef SSSFLX
/* NetCDF input and output */
#define PERFECT_RESTART /* Include perfect restart variables turn ON */
#undef RST_SINGLE /* Writing single precision restart fields turn ON */
#undef OUT_DOUBLE /* Writing double precision output fields turn OFF */
#undef READ_WATER /* Only reading water points data turn OFF */
#undef WRITE_WATER /* Only writing water points data turn OFF */
#undef INLINE_2DIO /* Processing 3D IO level by level turn ON */
#undef NO_WRITE_GRID /* Not writing grid arrays turn OFF */
#undef STATIONS /* Station data writting out turn ON */
#undef STATIONS_CGRID /* Extracting data at native C-grid turn OFF */
#undef FLOATS
#undef NETCDF4
/* Shallow water configurations */
#undef WET_DRY /* Wet and dry turn ON */

#undef ALBEDO /* Added GR 15/10/15 */

Thanks very much,


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Re: Currents unrealistically fast

#4 Unread post by kate »

What version of ROMS is this? The cpp file seems to be from an old version of COAWST. Still, the only obvious thing I noticed was:
#define MIX_S_TS
This should never be used except over a flat bottom.

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Re: Currents unrealistically fast

#5 Unread post by susonic »

Would you show us the log file? Right now I doubted the vertical turbulence model, K-epsilon which is pretty sensitive. My recommandation is that use different mixing (say, K-kl, k-w). Log file can give us more information about the causes of blowing up.
Joonho Lee

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Re: Currents unrealistically fast

#6 Unread post by kate »

We want plots too. :mrgreen:

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Re: Currents unrealistically fast

#7 Unread post by GraceR »

Hi all,

I have found the problem, and it turned out to be hidden in the varinfo.dat. I inherited my version from a colleague who was using different atmospheric forcing data, and consequently, the units expected for MSLP were millibars, I was providing it in Pascals. After changing the scaling factor, the currents now look sensible and the model isn't blowing up.

I will however re-run undef'ing MIX_S_TS, the version of COAWST I'm running is COAWST_SVN1034, but all the input files I'm using are inherited from a colleague.

Thanks so much for your help and suggestions - at the very least I know the model better than I did before the problem.


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