ROMS print output?

Discussion of how to use ROMS on different regional and basin scale applications.

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ROMS print output?

#1 Unread post by osua72 »

Hello -

I'm having a problem in that my ROMS code compiles and runs but doesn't output any values for zeta/ubar/vbar etc - I'm wondering whether this is linked to the wrt_his.F file and whether there is a way of printing some output to the screen to narrow down where the code isn't working as it should?


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Re: ROMS print output?

#2 Unread post by kate »

What values do you have for NTIMES and NHIS? You didn't use the cpp option NO_HIS in my code, did you?

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Re: ROMS print output?

#3 Unread post by osua72 »

NTIMES == 41000
NHIS == 41000
I didn't use NO_HIS cpp_option, I do still get a history file where the input variables, h, x_rho etc are all output correctly but output variables are all empty.

I'm using a restart file (NRREC = -1) - which does have values of u,v, ubar, vbar and zeta in it.. I'm trying to use a new CPP option developed my a colleague and the code works fine when it's not activated but doesn't produce output when it is so I'm trying to narrow down the point in the code where it is not doing what it should..

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Re: ROMS print output?

#4 Unread post by osua72 »

Hello - you can ignore the above post, have solved the problem, was a time step issue! Thanks for your help Kate!

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