The Rise of Regional-scale Ocean Observatories for Science, Society and Security in the United States, and the Development of Collaborative Global Networks

Scott Glenn

The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) has global, national and regional components, and within this structure the Mid Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS) is 1 of 11 IOOS Regional Associations focused on the enhancement of the federal ocean observing backbone. MARACOOS has prioritized the acquisition of new regional-scale spatial datasets that also benefit ocean forecasting via improved understanding of processes, data assimilation, and forecast assessment. The multi-use datasets and forecasts are leveraged to support a broad portfolio of scientific experiments (sponsored by ONR & NSF), societal goals (sponsored by NOAA & EPA), and improved security and resiliency (sponsored by DHS). The regional scale observations and models have demonstrated value for their ability to provide timely feed back on atmospheric forecasts at the scale of weather systems, and to provide structure for marine habitats at the scale of a Large Marine Ecosystem. Components of this network are being leveraged for operational use in the U.S. at the regional scale, are being combined into new backbone components at the national scale, and are forming the basis for international collaborations in the Global HF Radar and Global Glider networks. Education of a new globally-aware technical workforce is key to the ongoing development.