New features in ROMS_AGRIF 2.0 release and in the ROMSTOOLS pre- and post-processing toolbox

Gildas Cambona, Patrick Marchesielloa, Laurent Debreub and Pierrick Penvenc.

a : LEGOS/IRD, Toulouse, France
b : LJK/INRIA, Grenoble, France
c : LPO/IRD, Brest, France

We present here the new features implemented in the ROMS_AGRIF V.2.0 and ROMSTOOLS new versions recently released on the website

Main new features in ROMS_AGRIF 2.0 code release are the implementation of a 2-ways AGRIF nesting (Debreu et al, 2010, submitted; Debreu et al, 2008), a new rotated advection-diffusion scheme, RSUP3 scheme, (Marchesiello et al, 2009) designed to limit excessive diapycnal diffusion. Concerning computing efficiency, a procedure to determine the optimal sub-domains partition (the ‘‘auto-tiling’’ procedure) in case of OpenMP parallelization. Moreover, two more NPZD type biological models are available and the PISCES biogeochemical model has been coupled to the ROMS_AGRIF (Aumont et al.). Others capabilities have also been introduce since version 1.0 as on-line momentum and tracer equation diagnostics, on-line atmospheric forcing diagnostics, HBL smoothing, additional outputs variables etc.. Special efforts have been carried on the results robustness through parallel computing: MPI and OpenMP parallelization and sub-domain partitioning. For this purpose, an automatic testing procedure procedure (called Roms Validation ToolKit (RVTK) have been developed to check many test cases and realistic configurations in different sub-domains (tiles) and parallelization configurations.

Concerning pre- and post-processing ROMSTOOLS toolbox, new feature have also been introduced, in particular concerning the processing of the nested grid forcings (oceanic and atmospheric) and the interannual forcing preparation.

Exhaustive lists of the new features available for the ROMS_AGRIF v2.0 code and the ROMSTOOLS 2.0 processing toolbox, with detailed descriptions, will be presented.


Debreu L., Vouland C., Blayo E., 2008: AGRIF: Adaptive Grid, Refinement In Fortran. Comput Geosci 34(1) 8–13

Marchesiello P., Debreu L., and Couvelard X., 2009: Spurious diapycnal mixing in terrain-following coordinate models: The problem and a solution. Ocean Modelling 26 (2009) 156–169